Fu Yixuan out of the package! Hot selling Alliance Liren germ cakes advertised as natural and contain emulsifiers are off the shelves | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


(New: this product is still sold online)

“Fu Yi Xuan”, a famous cola shop in Chiayi, is famous for its egg rolls. In recent years, it has developed cookie products and formed an alliance with “Liren” stores that emphasize supporting organic and friendly agriculture to launch germ cakes, creating another hot sales whirlwind. However, some patients with shingles reported that this cookie was advertised as containing no additives, and the package said “Sorbitan ester, which is a kind of emulsifier, which is obviously contradictory. It has been reported from the health offices of Kaohsiung, Chiayi, Taipei and other places. ” After a joint inspection, the labeling was confirmed to be false, Fu Yixuan was fined 40,000 yuan according to the law, and Liren, a distributor, was also required to make improvements within a time limit. Liren stated that all 4,737 packages of germ cakes on the shelves of 132 branches in Taiwan have been removed from the shelves, and the amendment was revised to “no emulsification”. Re-listing after the package label.

“Apple News” noted that even though this product has been fined and taken off the shelves, it can still be purchased on Liren and other online shopping platforms, and the page still has misleading, uncorrected ads. Literature.

Ms. Kaohsiung Lin complained to Apple that she had to take medication regularly due to her illness and shingles, but before taking the medication, she had to eat cookies to cushion her stomach. Additives before deciding to buy. On August 30 this year, he spent 145 yuan to buy a 600-gram package of germ cakes from the Kaohsiung Yingming store of the Liren store. When he returned home, he discovered that the package contained “Sorbitan Ester”, which is a kind of emulsifier. , Clearly marked as false.

“This is really a big scam. I don’t know how many people buy the cookie package. It contains emulsifiers, but the price is natural food. It can’t be that high!” Lin said. After responding to the Liren store, the owner helped return it. But she believes that the Liren store still sells products with false labels on the shelves. If unsuspecting consumers eat it, there may be sequelae, so he reported to the Kaohsiung City Health Bureau.

The Food Section of the Kaohsiung City Government Health Office stated that this germ cake was produced by the headquarters of Liren Taipei and Fuyixuan, a well-known cookie maker in Chiayi City. The Kaohsiung City Government Health Bureau was transferred to the Chiayi City and Taipei City Health Bureau on September 14. The Health Office continued its investigation. Fuyixuan also went to the Chiayi City Health Office to explain.

Zhang Yuzhang, director of the Food and Drug Administration of Chiayi City Health Office, noted that sorbitan fatty acid esters are emulsifiers that can be added to the FDA’s positive list. However, the industry involved in false labeling has violated article 28 of the Food Safety and Hygiene Management Act. 1 article, and a fine of 40,000 yuan in accordance with article 45 of the same law.

Nv Jizheng Qiu from the Food Division of the Taipei City Health Bureau said he received a letter from the Kaohsiung City Health Bureau recently and found that the labeling of the manufacturer Fu Yixuan did not comply with the regulations. . The local health office imposed sanctions on the operators and the distributor Liren Company notified the deadline for improvement. Information that misleads consumers will be removed and the part of the website must be reviewed.

Liren Company PR Yu Qingru stated that germ cake has been sold for over 20 years, and has been a top-selling product in 132 branches throughout Taiwan. Last year, about 60,000 packages were sold. According to reports, in September this year, Fu Yixuan received complaints. After reviewing the product, it was confirmed that the compound yeast contained a small amount of emulsifier, which did not match the “emulsifier-free” label on the package. The Beijing Municipal Health Bureau also notified a deadline for improvement.

The company coordinated the removal of 4,737 packages of products from the shelves. The product label was changed, the word “emulsifier free” was removed and the new product was reprinted and packaged, and is now fully compliant.

Yan Zonghai, director of the Center for Clinical Toxicology at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, said that sorbitan ester is a commonly used food additive. It is a kind of emulsifier and a legal additive advertised by the Food and Drug Administration. The upper limit of its use has not been announced. The human body will not be affected and there are no people who cannot eat it, but the product must be clearly marked to allow consumers to be selective.

As for patients with shingles, will they have side effects if they consume sorbitan esters? Yan Zonghai said that herpes zoster is closely related to the individual’s own immune system. Until now, there have been no clinical reports that sorbitan esters affect patients with herpes zoster.

Fu Yixuan, which has a history of 69 years, was originally a food factory that made small cakes. 40 years ago, founder Zeng Liang bought egg roll production technology for 500,000 yuan and launched a series of egg rolls from special flavor. It is famous, and it is a wonder for shopping agents to rent stalls outside of the main Fuyixuan store, thus it has become a famous online celebrity store. Every new year and festival, there are always long lines at the store. Fuyixuan later launched cookie products. The scale of the factory is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become the partner of many stores, Liren store is one of them.

The Liren store opened in 1998, emphasizing support for organic and friendly agriculture, and providing consumers with safe food with high standards of food safety regulations. There are 132 stores in every county and city in the country, and it has been voted “trusted” by “Health Magazine” readers for the past three years. Nº 1 in the organic channel “Marca”. Unexpectedly, this time he was involved in the false labeling of the Fuyixuan germ cake. (Online report by Wang Zhiyong, Xie Chenghao / Chiayi-Kaohsiung)
