Former officials criticizing Trump’s mental illness expose Pence’s tragic end


The United States Congress will officially certify Biden’s victory on January 6, and Sichuan fans will also hold a rally in Washington on the same day. Former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman said Trump will do his best to celebrate Biden. Day becomes the center of attention and can even announce his amnesty on the national live broadcast that day. Furthermore, he also ridiculed Trump for his “psychiatric attack.” Pence will become the last recipient of Trump’s wrath, fully embracing Trump’s bad mood.

Former Trump Newman aide (Omarosa Manigault Newman) ridiculed Trump’s mental illness after losing the election and said Pence would become the terminal recipient of Trump’s artillery fire.

On January 6, Congress will count the number of electoral votes in each state. Once Biden’s votes pass the 270-vote threshold, Vice President Pence chairing the meeting will immediately declare Biden’s victory. Don’t let Biden focus on the front lines, Trump supporters will also be holding a rally in Washington that day.

The US Sun reported that Trump’s former aide Newman stated in an exclusive interview with Microsoft National Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC) on the 26th that he believes Trump will seize this moment and become the center of attention. “He will use this moment to announce his presidency, and perhaps use it for amnesty himself.”

He also said that Trump has had a “psychotic episode” since he lost the election, “I think he is experiencing a psychotic episode. I think that little by little he has accepted his defeat, but his arrogance and self-esteem do not allow him to accept it.” I will no longer be president after January. “

In response to reports that Trump pressured Pence not to certify Biden’s victory, Newman said Pence will eventually receive Trump’s wrath. She expects Trump to be very temperamental, very strong, and in many cases completely unreasonable.

She said Trump would likely sit in the Oval Office to try to persuade Pence. When Pence dodges further, Trump’s voice will be louder and the demands will be crazier. “When he’s angry, he’ll shoot you, and then I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Newman appeared on the reality show “Who’s the Successor” (The Apprentice) hosted by Trump, and later became Trump’s staff. She was fired by Trump in 2018.

文章 來源 : ‘THE TRUMP SHOW’ Trump ‘can forgive himself LIVE at the DC rally on the day Congress certifies Biden’s victory,’ says Apprentice star

(Zhongshi News Network)
