Former Dean of National Education and Taiwanese Promoter of Reading Education, Ke Huawei, Dies at 67 | Culture and education news | Culture and education


Former Dean of the National Academy of Education,central UniversityKe Huawei, an honorary professor at the “Research Institute for Teaching and Learning”, passed away yesterday at the age of 67. He successfully promoted reading education throughout his life. Many high school teachers across the country have been under his direction. As soon as the news of his death was known, many educators were in the Software community regretting Ke Huawei’s contribution during his lifetime.

Lin Congyi, vice president of National Cheng Kung University, sadly said on Facebook: “Can we cancel 2020?” He described Ke Huawei as an “incurable and romantic person” with a high degree of enthusiasm for education. At the time, Ke Huawei was a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Washington in Seattle. Just when the famous cherry blossoms on campus were in full bloom, Ke Huawei also sent the flowers to Taiwan to share spring in Seattle with family and friends.

Zeng Shijie, former vice dean of the National Academy of Education, said that when the curriculum was honed in controversy, Ke Huawei became a “war criminal of the first degree” and was criticized by lawmakers and anti-plan groups. studies every day. But many people know that she is helping the decision makers, but never spends time complaining, no matter how much pressure or grievances she has, she can be elegant, “physical and mental health is an important foundation of her leadership.” Let the colleagues who work with him feel at ease.

Zeng Shijie also recalled that Teacher Ke loves beauty, and the technological red marquee on the door of the National Institute of Education is what she hates the most. It didn’t take long for him to go to the hospital, and that thing was gone; went to elementary school and saw a big green playground. The lovely black sheep and white sheep, after returning to the Three Gorges complex, kept asking, can we also raise sheep? Later, he sought funds to build an outdoor educational experiences park and the “Shideyuan Center for Art and Culture.” He hoped that all principals, principals, and teachers who came to the National Institute of Education for training would have more time to get along with the beautiful surroundings and the works of art. .

Writer Yan Zeya also appreciated Ke Huawei’s memory on Facebook. He mentioned in his book “Love or Wrong Love” that Taiwan’s two-language conversions in 1895 and 1945 were equivalent to the literacy rate being reduced twice. Yes Learning classical Chinese also increases the memory load of many ancient meanings and grammars. This allows children to develop the ability to “read the whole book” later than European and American children. This creates an inherent disadvantage in reading education. “Therefore, Professor Ke’s efforts are very important.”

Before the book price turmoil on November 11, Yan Zeya said that he read some hateful comments on the message board of the Taiwanese media. For example, books are not very unusual products. Modern people do not necessarily need to gain knowledge from books. These comments are all real accounts, they may have graduated from college and believe they attach great importance to their children’s education. After reading these messages, Yan Zeya said, “Ms. Ke’s efforts are just the beginning. Those of us who still are must continue with her work.”

Ke Huawei is a major promoter of reading education in Taiwan. During her tenure as Dean of National Education, she cooperated with the Ministry of Education to promote morning reading in primary and secondary schools. Ke Huawei said that the focus of education is not to “teach”, but to make students like reading. If reading is considered a successful lesson, it will be disgusting. With the advent of the era of digital technology, Ke Huawei also said that in the past there was only a single source of learning materials, so everyone looked at the standard answers, but times have changed and teachers teach learning methods , students can learn for life and the responsibility to learn must change slowly.

Ke Huawei, born in 1953, is a Taiwanese educational scholar. She was the director of the National Seminar for School Teachers, a professor at the Department of Psychology at Chengchi University, a professor at the Department of Psychology at Chung Cheng University, and the head of the Department and director of the Center for General Education. He was a professor at the Teaching Research Institute and Teacher Training Center and served as Director of the General Teaching Center; He was assigned to the Dean of the National Institute of Education on April 1, 2013, and retired from the Central University in February 2018 and became an honorary professor at the Institute of Learning and Teaching.

Ke Huawei is committed to promoting reading education, the image is for illustration only. Newspaper information photo
Ke Huawei is committed to promoting reading education, the image is for illustration only. Newspaper information photo
