Five Treasure Fathers in Taichung Depend on Childcare Allowances to Buy Puddings for Their Birthdays and Persuade Them “Don’t Buy If You Have No Money” | Society |


Reporter Pan Liangwei / Taichung Report

A 27-year-old young father in Taichung asked to sell baby carriages on Christmas Eve to increase his eldest daughter’s medical expenses. Netizens once accused him of fraud. The Social Affairs Office claimed that the family had been following the case for a long time. Because his father was injured for several months, he was unable to work. At the beginning of the month, he took all the Social Office subsidies to pay the rent. Only then would he be penniless and unable to pay for the child’s medical expenses.

▲ Young father’s family of 7 squeezed into the small space of the tin house, 7 people squeezed into a double bed, and the house was full of rubble. (Image / screen reversed)

According to the Social Affairs Office, the young father was originally engaged in waterproofing and leak-proof work, but did odd jobs. Furthermore, he had recently been injured and had no income for several months, which made his poor life even worse. Every month, I have a 10,500 yuan childcare allowance and a 5,000 yuan family support fund, nearly 16,000 yuan to support. A family of 7 was huddled in a small tin room. The room was full of clothing and miscellaneous items. There were even leftover soup and rice that had been eaten for 2-3 days on the table. The dishes on the plate had turned black. Dad emphasized that these leftovers The children will not be given leftovers, they are three meals a day.

▲ Five small children followed their parents, who lived in a 10-square-meter tin house, the table scraps have turned black. (Image / screen reversed)

▲ Young parents depend on childcare allowances and family support allowances to maintain 16,000 yuan a month. Children only eat rice and vegetables for 3 meals. (Image / screen reversed)

The young father revealed that the five children are 6, 4, 3 and 2 years old. The youngest is only 6 months old. Once he wanted to take his son to buy a birthday pudding, but the boy told him: “Dad, you have no money, we did not buy it”, it makes people feel distressed. A good-hearted vegetable seller saw the online purchase order item and personally brought rice, noodles, vegetables, and other supplies to his father. As soon as he walked through the door, he saw 5 young children living with their parents in such a simple tin house. While sleeping, a family of 7 squeezed into the same double bed, feeling distressed for the child.

▲ Benevolent people could not bear to starve their children and donated rice, noodles, vegetables, and other supplies. (Image / screen reversed)

A 27-year-old young father and a 25-year-old mother have been advising cases through the Office of Social Affairs since 107. When the father went to work elsewhere, the mother left the young children alone at home, which caused that social workers intervene in the care. After news broke of the father selling cars, a charity group actively donated money. At this stage, there is no shortage of supplies. Although the young couple cannot apply for low-income subsidies because his wife’s family has land, they must live in a tin house next year. I moved in at the end of January and owed the landlord more than 30,000 yuan for rent, who was also willing to let him pay it back in installments. The social worker worked hard to persuade the young parents not to elope. Today (28) my father was also introduced by a friend to try to work in a new company, in the hope that young parents can have a stable job and take care of the family.
