First visit! Her boyfriend’s mother put her in the bathroom, “do one thing,” she broke up in an instant | New | NOWnews Today News


First visit! Her boyfriend’s mother put her in the bathroom, “do one thing,” she broke up in an instant | New | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2021-02-10 18:41:45

On the 22nd, Taiwan added a new local case (Case 771).  Due to being a close contact on Case 765 (Evergreen New Zealand pilot), he caught the attention of two people, but a photo of a Quanta employee was captured.  Who was misrepresented as a close friend of the New Zealand pilot.  Today (23), her boyfriend made a statement on behalf of the PO, emphasizing that
▲ The first time a famous woman in mainland China visited her boyfriend’s house, she met her boyfriend’s mother to fire her. (Schematic diagram, irrelevant to this article / reproduced from Unsplash)

When a couple is together for a while, they are always faced with the embarrassing “seeing their parents for the first time” scene. In this regard, a famous woman in mainland China shared her experience. When she met her boyfriend’s family, she met her boyfriend’s mother and even took her to the bathroom to go to work. The exaggerated behavior made the woman so angry that she broke on point.

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According to a Netease News report, a woman from the mainland shared the exaggerated facts of her first encounter with a “future mother-in-law.” She has been dating her boyfriend for over 2 years and they both have plans to get married. so she plans to go further and visit both parents. But she was worried that her boyfriend’s mother might be an evil mother-in-law, so she never dared to visit them.

▲ The groom's mother also took the woman to the bathroom alone and asked her to start doing the laundry.  (Inverted / sketch of
▲ The groom’s mother also took the woman to the bathroom alone and asked her to start doing the laundry. (Inverted / sketch of “pexels”)

With the safety of her boyfriend, the woman finally released her guard and decided to visit the house. At first, the interaction between the two parties was normal. When she was sitting on the couch, her boyfriend’s mother suddenly asked her to serve water, which made the woman feel that something was wrong, then her boyfriend’s mother called her into the kitchen to help her, and she He continued to despise her for not being able to do anything. The most exaggerated thing is that after the two parties finished eating, her boyfriend’s mother took her alone to the bathroom and asked her to start washing her clothes. Since the woman didn’t want to make the scene too ugly, she suggested. that she could use the washing machine to wash clothes, but her boyfriend’s mother went through scolding her for being lazy and ignorant made her quite angry, she immediately took her purse and left, and broke up with her boyfriend on the spot, cutting off this relationship of two years without hesitation. (Edit: Xu Zhichao)

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