Financial Regulatory Commission seizes illegal Chinese capital from Datong and fines 25 million yuan – China Central News Agency


  1. Financial Regulatory Commission seizes illegal Chinese capital from Datong and fines 25 million yuan
  2. Caught! Investment financed with seized land Datong Financial Management Committee fined 25 million yuan udn UNRWA!
  3. Datong has caught the Chinese capital illegal! FSC fined 25 million yuan to liquidate its holdings in 6 months
  4. Datong land capital received a hefty 25 million fine from the Financial Management Committee and eliminated its holdings within 6 months.
  5. The land capital illegally bought Datong and seized the FSC for 25 million yuan four times and fined it 35.44 million yuan in total. Anue Juheng
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report