Film / Boom and changed to be the “Representative of the American pork merchant in Taiwan” Chen Shizhong: Do not insult me ​​| Life | NOWnews Today News


Film / Boom and changed to be the “Representative of the American pork merchant in Taiwan” Chen Shizhong: Do not insult me ​​| Life | NOWnews Today News

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Film / Boom and changed to “Representative of the American Pork Dealer in Taiwan”. Chen Shizhong: Don’t insult me.

Reporter Liu Yawen / Taipei Report

calendar_today2020-11-30 10: 43: 07 |to update2020-11-30 13:21:08

▲ Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong and Legislator Fei Hongtai debated in the Legislative Yuan on the issue of importing American pigs.  (Photo / Reproduction of the broadcast of the discussion of the Legislative Yuan)
▲ Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong and Legislator Fei Hongtai debated in the Legislative Yuan on the issue of importing American pigs. (Photo / Reproduction of the broadcast of the discussion of the Legislative Yuan)

The government announced without prior notice that it would open lean and fine hogs to Taiwan starting next year. When Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong attended the joint meeting of the Legislative Yuan Finance Committee this morning (30), he was again bombarded by lawmakers on the pig issue. Legislator Fei Hongtai included Chen Shizhongjin The phrase “I cannot eat a dangerous amount for several lifetimes” and “I did not use meat to force everyone’s mouth.” They criticized the Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong and should be changed to “the representative of the American pork merchant in Taiwan.”

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Fei Hongtai and Chen Shizhong continued to fight in the Legislative Yuan. The fight between the two questions and answers was fierce. Fei Hongtai criticized Chen Shizhong for ignoring people’s food safety in Taiwan and opening up the import of pigs. It should be changed to the “Representative of the US Pork Dealers in Taiwan”. Chen Shizhong too. : “Please don’t use those words to insult.” Fei Hongtai was not far behind, emphasizing that Chen Shizhong does not require the trademark of meat to show that it contains lycopeal acid, but only to indicate the place of origin, which is an act of insult to the people of Taiwan. Chen Shizhong said that the United States is an independent label and Taiwan can do the same, emphasizing: “Without security concerns, we will not use legal requirements.”

Fei Hongtai was also bitter for Chen Shizhong during questioning and asked, “I don’t want to call you Minister, Mr. Chen Shizhong, touch your left heart to see if there is still beating. Chen Shizhong also replied, “The heartbeat is fast.” The two sides were quick to talk to each other, the smell of gunpowder was strong, Fei Hongtai also questioned, Chen Shizhong also refuted them one by one regardless of whether the people in Taiwan were safe and doing nothing.

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