Female prostitution makes money! Writes a “Sex Diary”, a student who was exposed to AIDS scares the hospital | New | NOWnews Today News


Female prostitution makes money! Writes a “Sex Diary”, a student who was exposed to AIDS scares the hospital | New | NOWnews Today News

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Female Prostitution Makes Money! Writes “Sex Diary” and Rushes to Hospital with Shocking Classmate With AIDS

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-11-30 07:41:25

▲ A college student with a beautiful body in Zhejiang earned tuition through sex and was exposed to AIDS, sparking heated discussions on the Internet.  (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)
▲ A college student with a beautiful body in Zhejiang earned tuition through sex and was exposed to AIDS, sparking heated discussions on the Internet. (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)

It was reported from a university in Zhejiang, mainland China, that a college student surnamed Xia was involved in sex transactions in private, just to increase tuition. The guests ranged from social people to ordinary male students on campus. Not only that, the college student also described it many times on the internet. During the sex trade, it was unexpectedly recently reported that he was infected with AIDS, causing panic among schoolchildren, who went to the hospital to check if they were infected with HIV, prompting heated discussions on the Internet.

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According to Lu Media reports, a message went viral on Weibo recently. The content said that “a freshman at a Zhejiang university engaged in sexual transactions for lack of money. Members of social media and students would collegiate and post on Weibo. I wrote about the sex trade process. Not now. only HIV has spread, they have also expelled me from school. “

▲ A college student earns tuition through sexual transactions and was exposed to AIDS, sparking heated discussions on the Internet.  (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)
▲ A college student earns tuition through sexual transactions and was exposed to AIDS, sparking heated discussions on the Internet. (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)

After the post was exposed, it immediately sparked a heated discussion among Weibo netizens, with some even breaking the news that “My classmates are studying at this university and many male students are said to have gone to AIDS.” “This is too much of an exaggeration. It is not necessary to spread AIDS. Ah”, “I heard from my friends that this woman caused a group of children at school to get sick with AIDS”; and why the detailed plot has yet to be clarified. Right now, Weibo only needs to mention the incident or the school and the post of the college student’s name. Most of the items were officially removed. In response to this news, the university student herself also issued a clarification and emphasized that “I do not have AIDS. I have not dropped out of school. They just suspended me. Can I see public opinion at school again? The only thing I can do is actively cooperate with the psychologist for treatment. Beautiful and pretty, people who say I am ugly and so big can try to buy a full-length mirror. Adequate self-awareness and an objective and practical aesthetic standard are also part of mental health. ” .

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