Fall Fight Scene / Cai Yanming put up his hands in tears to defend press freedom and call on people to live a good life


The editor of
“United Daily News” editor Wang Xiaolan also brought a wheelchair to the scene to support. (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)

The last scene of the fall fight.

The “Autumn Fight” parade debuted this afternoon (22). Unlike the previous fall fight, which focused on labor rights, the National Communications Commission (NCC) arrogantly rejected Zhongtian News Channel’s license replacement request and unilaterally opened without regard for press freedom. The importation of Lai pigs also aroused the outrage of the people. Wangwang Group Chairman Cai Yanming took to the streets this afternoon to defend freedom of news and expression, calling on the government to allow people to live a good life. When people saw Cai Yanming, they also yelled cheers in response. Cai Yanming also joined the Zhongtian parade. At approximately 4 pm, he reached the Linsen intersection in Beiping and made his way to the DPP party headquarters. In addition, Wang Xiaolan, the editor of “United Daily News”, also brought a wheelchair to the scene to support.

During the interview, Cai Yanming said that the appearance of this parade is not to focus. Taiwan’s future is the most important thing. Importing pigs is also a security concern for Taiwan. If the United States thinks the pork we buy from them is not enough, the government can. Establish a fund to import more pork in general, the cost is absorbed by the government and the people are taken care of. Why do we have to import pork with ractopamine?

Cai Yanming, president of Want Want Group, gave up his hands in tears, thank you for the support of the people there.  (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
Cai Yanming, president of Want Want Group, gave up his hands in tears, thank you for the support of the people on the scene. (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
Cai Yanming, president of Want Want Group, bowed and thanked the audience for their support.  (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
Cai Yanming, president of Want Want Group, bowed and thanked the audience for their support. (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)

On the Laizhu issue, the media has repeatedly voiced its public opposition and various polls have clearly shown that the people of Taiwan have no way of accepting him, but the Tsai government still insists on going its own way. In this regard, Cai Yanming angrily criticized the DPP, what kind of government is it doing? The government should let the people live a good life instead of ignoring public opinion, stifling free speech and health. The most basic thing is not doing it right. What kind of government are you running? “The government is not making money!”

Regarding the fact that Zhongtian News was shut down, other media outlets are now banned and only “green oil” remains. Cai Yanming said that everyone understands, but the DPP government wants to do this. Everyone says Zhongtian is making fake news, “Cheat on Xiao Hey!” Just ask your colleagues on the spot. Many reporters from Zhongtian were your colleagues. Will they make fake news?

Hosts from Zhongtian Xu Fu, Jian Zhihao, Zheng Yizhen, Ma Qianhui, and Hong Shufen participated in the fall fight to fight for freedom of expression.
Hosts from Zhongtian Xu Fu, Jian Zhihao, Zheng Yizhen, Ma Qianhui, and Hong Shufen participated in the fall fight to fight for freedom of expression.

Cai Yanming pointed out that people will express our anger in this parade. The government cannot do things like this. He must be good to people! Regarding the future employment of Zhongtian News, Cai Yanming proudly stated that the people of Zhongtian will be responsible. The irresponsibility of the government is a matter of the government. You must not allow the people of Zhongtian to raise their heads. People on your platform will be fine. Is there a problem coming to Zhongtian? Political affairs are political affairs, everyone sees that very clearly!

Cai Yanming, Chairman of Want Want Group, joined the Zhongtian parade.  (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
Cai Yanming, Chairman of Want Want Group, joined the Zhongtian parade. (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
People at the scene shouted for cheers, and Wang Wang Group Chairman Cai Yanming raised his hands and replied loudly: Thank you!  (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
People at the scene shouted for cheers, and Wang Wang Group Chairman Cai Yanming raised his hands and replied loudly: Thank you! (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
Cai Yanming, president of Want Want Group, greeted people at the scene.  (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)
Cai Yanming, president of Want Want Group, greeted people at the scene. (Photo / Zhongshi News Network)

(Zhongshi News Network)
