Extremist Allies Urge Trump to Sacrifice Martial Law, Scare White House Staff, and Reveal Future Fate


Facing a losing streak in more than 50 election litigation battles, and a month later Democratic President-elect Biden is about to take office, US President Trump, at the urging of extremist allies, seriously discussed the law. military martial and re-election as a possible comeback plan. He caused an uproar in the political arena. According to CNN, Trump’s move has spooked many senior officials and people close to him, revealing that “Trump’s latest means of resistance will lead to unprecedented instability in his term.”

With Giuliani’s defense and Tingchuan’s attorney, Bauer, Trump seriously discussed at the White House on the 18th the sacrifice of martial law and reelection, scaring White House staff and frankly confessing that the future is unpredictable.

Sidney Powell, a conspiracy theory lawyer in Tingchuan, Rudy Giuliani, the coach of Trump’s lawyers, and Flynn, a former national security adviser who was involved in the “Tong-Russia Gate” and recently received a pardon from Trump. . Michael Flynn, Trump’s former strategic adviser Steve Bannon, and aggressive White House trade adviser Navarro (Peter Navarro) suggested that Trump’s meeting at the White House on the 18th discussed the deployment of military forces through enactment. of martial law. The election was vetoed by all staff present and even people close to Trump, White House attorney Pat Cipollone and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, also strongly opposed.

The report noted that one official said: “No one knows what will happen in the future. After all, Trump is still a month away from becoming president.” He was particularly concerned about Ball, who was cut off by Trump’s field. Under his defense, Chuan It’s really possible for Pu to believe his conspiracy theory again. Additionally, Trump also deliberately appointed Ball as a special counsel to investigate Biden’s son Hunter. A source revealed that “everything related to Ball is of great concern.”

In addition, the report also noted that Bannon, who is under investigation by the federal government and may seek amnesty from Trump, said on the 19th that Trump not only will not attend Biden’s inauguration, but also suggested that he should establish a special investigation committee to intensify the investigation of Biden and their relationship. They are Hante. The next day, Navarro also criticized traditional Republicans from Bannon’s “The Situation Room” show for not wanting to jump on the Trump train. “These people don’t want to accept economic nationalism and they don’t want to support Trump at all. I can’t really think of a good explanation.”

According to the report, several signals, including the White House meeting last Friday, are part of the current Trump administration: Trump’s external advisers are raising the decibels, accusing the White House staff of being unfaithful and weak with Trump; and the White House staff are also fighting Sichuan. Pu’s next step is unprecedented fear.

文章 來源 : Some White House aides fear Trump’s final days

(Zhongshi News Network)
