Exit 19 cases! Filipino and Japanese nationals returning from Taiwan to their home countries are being investigated by the command center for a confirmed diagnosis-Economic Daily


  1. Exit 19 cases! Filipino and Japanese nationals return to their home countries from Taiwan to confirm diagnostic command center investigates China Economic Daily
  2. Asymptomatic residents are investigated and released. Command Center: Zhang County Health Bureau violates regulations but cannot be punished. Free Times e-newsletter
  3. Wuhan Pneumonia “Asymptomatic Traveler Diagnosis Rate in the Philippines is 0.7%! Command Center: Cancel Airport Inspection | Social New Head Shell
  4. Wu Pulmonary Disease News | A total of 19 exporters to the Philippines and 203 contacts in Taiwan confirmed all negative in Japan
  5. The command center announced: reunited spouses of terrestrial origin can apply for entry to udn UNRWA tomorrow!
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report