[Exclusivo]You Can’t Go Without Money Neihu Sightseeing Orchard Reaches Tourists Without Picking Fruits and Forces Admission Fees | Apple News | Apple Daily


A 27-year-old Miss Xie (27 years old) from Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, yesterday (31) with her parents, 2 sisters, husband and 2-year-old son and a group of 7 people, searched for a tourist garden through from the Internet, and went to the Neihu District around noon. The orchard wanted to pick citrus. After 7 people entered the mountain where the phone was not received, they found that there were few fruits in the citrus orchard. The other collection site was near the cliff and it was dangerous to walk. So they planned to go home. The orchard owner and his son knocked them over and beat them, forcing Xie Nu and others to pay an “entrance fee” of 80 yuan per person. They also drowned: “Entering my land is paying!” The Xie Nu family thought that it was unreasonable. The father and son blocked the road and were not allowed to leave. The two sides pulled and pushed. Xie Nu’s family later escaped and called the police, and the orchard owner, father and son were charged with injuries.

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After panicking, he will deliver the exclusive video of the assault at that time to Apple News. He told reporters that at 1 p.m. yesterday afternoon, the family parked their car at the foot of the mountain in Taipei’s Neihu District. City., Follow the instructions on the Internet for the location of the tourist garden. 7 people followed a path to climb the mountain. They didn’t see the tourist garden sign on the road. They asked the farmer on the way: and finally he climbed a steep mud step for about 20 minutes and found the owner of the orchard sitting on the road. At the same time, Xie Nv stepped forward and asked if it was possible to pick fruit. The other party said that all the oranges in front of her could be chosen.

Xie Nv said that because he was afraid to collect oranges from other farms by mistake, he asked about the variety of fruit picking, but the other party only said that “anything you see can be collected”, but Xie Nv said: ” We found that there are no oranges to pick in a large orchard. The only fruit tree that can be picked is near the edge of the mountain and cannot be picked at all. ” Xie Nu and the others dismissed the idea of ​​Picking Fruit and turned to leave, but the orchard owner asked them to stay and they peeled 2 oranges and asked them to eat. “He asked each of us to eat half an orange, but we did not finish it. We felt that the The quantity of fruit was very small and we could not pick the orange, we said we were leaving in less than a minute.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the orchard rushed to block the stairs and choked with Xie Nu and others: “A person has to pay 80 yuan for the toll, and I have to pay if I go up the stairs,” because Xie Nu’s family 4 people stepped on it. Going up the stairs, the other party asked to pay 320 yuan to go. Xie Nui said angrily: “We didn’t even touch the leaves of the fruit tree, and he pulled out the two oranges himself.” He thought the charge was unreasonable and he didn’t trust the other party. He wanted to call the police and let the police come to the scene to pass judgment, but the other party started to freak out.

Xie’s daughter accused: “He pushed my parents to the ground, I went over to pull him, he also pushed me to the ground and started hitting us, we got hurt everywhere and they wouldn’t let us walk up the stairs or down the mountain, we said. They call the police, they said there was no signal here. “

Xie’s daughter lingered and said that the orchard owner kept yelling, and her son rushed to help. Two people blocked the path to prevent Xie’s family from leaving. She kept saying, “Just pay the money and it’ll be fine. Why don’t you pay?” The two sides crawled and stood at a standstill for about half an hour, and the owner of the orchard held up the clothes of the family of Xie Niu several times, skipping needles and saying that he would “pay the entrance fee” and “do you want to eat Bawang oranges?” One family is very angry.

Later, Xie’s mother got out of trouble and went to a nearby farm to ask for help and call the police. When the police arrived, they took both parties to the police station. Daughter Xie’s family went to the hospital for injury testing and filed a complaint. Daughter Xie’s father had multiple bruises on his head, while daughter Xie had bruises and bruises on both arms. She said angrily: “It’s not a waste of money, I think it’s really terrible. Now how is this different from meeting thieves in the deep mountains?” She decided to sue Orchard’s father and son for damaging, intimidating money. and obstruct freedom. Orchard’s accused father and son also told police that they had been beaten by Xie Nu and others. After the injury, you will go to file a complaint.

Police from the Dahu Police Station of the Neihu Branch of Beishi City said that yesterday they received a report from people that they had been assaulted and went to the orchard there. However, when the police arrived, the two parties were no longer involved. In the situation. When the other party beat them, they took both parties to the police station to understand and report on their respective rights. The Xie girl had been injured first and came to the police station to report. said they would choose a day to report after the injury. (Pan Xiru Emergency Center / Taipei Report)

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