[Exclusivo]The epidemic prevention hotel is full! The Chinese have a home and cannot order the center to release a centralized quarantine station for rescue | Apple News | Apple Daily


(New: command center statement)

Taiwan’s anti-epidemic policy has been tightened as the Wufei variant virus invades Taiwan. Starting January 15, home quarantine in Taiwan will require “one person, one home.” Along with the approaching Spring Festival, the entire epidemic prevention hotel has been overwhelmed. Some people complained to Apple News that they expected to return to Taiwan on the 20th, but could not book an epidemic prevention hotel and were very concerned that it would not be possible by then. The Beishi Guanchuan Office candidly said that because the government adjusted the home insulation policy and many people returned to Taiwan for the Chinese New Year, the epidemic prevention hotels were full from the end of January until the Lunar New Year. . Many hotels will “run out of rooms”, reminding people to respond as soon as possible.

Command Center spokesman Zhuang Renxiang noted that the number of rooms in Taiwan’s epidemic prevention hotels is currently full in Taipei City, Tainan City, Hsinchu County, and Miaoli County City. , Kaohsiung City is almost full, while Taoyuan City is 90% full. North City and Taichung City are 70% full, and the remaining counties and cities still have vacancies. Now I hope to fill 10,000 vacancies as much as possible before the New Year. “I’m still working hard.”

Zhuang Renxiang said that in the face of the situation of full rooms in the epidemic prevention hotels, because there are still some vacancies in centralized quarantine centers throughout Taiwan, vacancies in centralized quarantine centers are expected to be opened for returnees can register. The command center has now counted the number of rooms and is establishing a network. The road reservation information system is expected to be announced in 2-3 days, so that returnees can reserve rooms online on their own, in order to alleviate the shortage of hotels for epidemic prevention. The amount of the stay is currently being discussed.

Zhuang Renxiang added tonight that all the counties and cities in Taiwan have centralized quarantine stations with a total of 3,300 beds available. The current rate for unoccupied beds is 50%. The current centralized quarantine station charges 3,000 yuan a day, and the possibility of reducing the charges during the Chinese New Year will be discussed.

Some people pointed out that he was a Taiwanese who would return to Taiwan around January 20, but that he could not book an epidemic prevention hotel at all. The government announced that the accommodation rate was only 50% not long ago, but is currently unable to reserve a room and is very concerned. Back to Taiwan.

“Apple News” reviewed the vacancy status of Beishi Anti-Epidemic Hotel, and the January 20 bookings are super full, and room types with room rates ranging from 2,000 to 9,000 are fully booked. Take the Zhongshan district as an example. 24 hotels against the epidemic, including Miracle, Tiange, Huaguo and Just Sleep, are fully booked from mid to late January through New Years, and there are no vacancies available; Songshan District S hotel, Taipei Business Hotel, Dynasty Hotel, etc., and Sande Hotel in Datong district are also full. Some websites show that there are hotels with rooms, such as Beitou Le Yaxuan. The actual calls also indicate that the rooms are full at the end of the month. It takes 15 consecutive days to show that there are rooms to make a reservation.

According to the Beishi Guanchuan Bureau, the occupancy rate of anti-epidemic hotels has recently fallen below 40%. It was 37% yesterday (1/4) and 38% the day before yesterday (1/3). Both are still within the normal range, but since January beginning in the mid and late ten days, there has been an increase in demand. The Office of Observation and Communication noted that around the 20th of this month, the booking rate has exceeded 60%, and 14 days before the new year (26) it may be more difficult to find one.

The Gao City Tourism Bureau stated that although the number of anti-epidemic hotels in Gao City may be surpassed only by Beishi, in response to the approaching Spring Festival and the increasing number of people returning to home, the anti-epidemic hotels will only provide reservations for Kaohsiung citizens from now on. There are 54 anti-epidemic hotels in Kaohsiung City, which can provide 3334 quarantine rooms. According to statistics, the Kaohsiung anti-epidemic hotel had 1,560 rooms on January 5 and the occupancy rate was 47%. However, the number of reserved rooms reached 1,297 and the number of remaining vacancies was small. The Tourist Office is still actively matching legal hotels in the city. Become an epidemic prevention hotel to increase the epidemic prevention energy.

Taichung City Tourism Director Lin Xiaoqi said that since March last year, Taichung City has gradually established and increased home quarantine alternatives. There are currently 25 individual buildings with 1,483 rooms. Since its establishment, it has limited the supply of school employment and Taichung citizens in Taichung. For foreign students, entrepreneurs and migrant industrial workers, there are currently only 814 accommodations available and there are still 669 accommodations. In response to the wave of returns to Taiwan during the Spring Festival, the demand for home quarantine alternatives will increase. It is estimated that the demand will be higher from mid to late January, and the occupancy rate can reach 70% to 80%. There are currently around 200 rooms available in addition to 1483 rooms. The room can be expanded.

According to the Office of Observation and Communication, there are two main reasons for the sudden increase in demand for hotels for epidemic prevention. First, the government adjusted the home quarantine policy. The entry requirement of the Chinese is “one person, one house”. Therefore, many people have switched to staying in epidemic prevention hotels. As of this year’s New Year’s Eve is February 11, if you cooperate with home quarantine for 14 days, people who want to celebrate the holiday smoothly must return to Taiwan before the 26th of this month.

According to the Office of Observation and Communication, there are currently 95 anti-epidemic hotels in Taipei City, offering 6,433 rooms, which is the largest number of counties and cities in Taiwan. There are still hotels that request it. The Observation and Communication Office will speed up the review process, but there are a large number of people returning to Taiwan during the New Year. , I keep asking everyone to reply as soon as possible.

The Tourism Office said it is still working with local, county and city governments to prepare hotels for epidemic prevention. At this stage, the occupancy rate is only 50%, however, as the Spring Festival approaches, the inquiry rate has increased, but all companies are still adjusting the number of rooms.

The command center adjusted home quarantine measures. As of January 15, a person and a household will be adopted. However, the epidemic prevention hotels are full. What is the progress of hotel expansion? Zhuang Renxiang, a spokesman for the Epidemic Central Command Center, said that in response to the new policy, please check the room volume and reservation rate for each county and city. The county and city are actively asking operators to join the epidemic prevention hotel. Tomorrow there will be more details.

The command center said yesterday that it would like the Tourism Office to coordinate the hotel to add 10,000 rooms to the epidemic prevention hotel, but the Tourism Office said it is currently working with local, county and city governments to prepare the energy of the hotel for the prevention of epidemics. Regarding the delay of the Tourism Bureau to announce the number of rooms that can be accommodated in the epidemic prevention hotel and the number of rooms remaining, it may prevent those who want to return to Taiwan from buying in advance the airline tickets for return to Taiwan. What solutions does the command center have? In response, Zhuang Renxiang said, “I will work harder.”

The North City Government announced that the remaining rooms are restricted to citizens. Zhuang Renxiang, a spokesman for the Epidemic Central Command Center, said Taipei City has been working hard on planning hotels against the epidemic. The number of rooms is the same as in Kaohsiung City. It has more rooms than other counties and cities. Recently, Taipei City has also allowed other counties and cities. People stay in anti-epidemic hotels, but since all the rooms of the anti-epidemic hotels in Beishi are now full, this is the way to allow Beishi residents who will return to Taiwan to live.

(Online report from Chen Sihao, Gan Zhiqi, Shen Nengyuan, Xu Zhijia, Lin Fangru, Huang Zhongqiu, Wu Huifen, Zeng Xueqian / Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung)
