[Exclusivo]The electric locomotive falls down by itself! The original factory of the fracture of the central pillar: There are signs of external impact on the central pillar | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


A Kaohsiung woman surnamed Liu complained to Apple News that the center pillar of her Gogoro S2 Plus electric locomotive broke for no reason. Because it was still in the warranty period, it went to the original factory for maintenance. Unexpectedly, Gogoro used human factors. There is no guarantee for this reason. And the technician also told him that because Liu Nv’s central station was being used, “It is normal and no wonder it goes wrong!” Liu Nv criticized her painfully, and the disaster situation of a lot of central posts on the Internet was the same as her situation. Should I buy the whole car and put it on the table of the gods?

Gogoro’s public relations manager Chen Yijun said that after the engineer confirmed Ms. Liu’s vehicle, the center pillar had obvious signs of wear and impact from external force, so it could not assist in replacement. of the warranty the first time, but Gogoro will still notify the owner to return to the factory and do the same for the center pillar. More research and analysis, and help in the first replacement of a new center pillar to meet the needs of car owners.

Liu Nu said that at 7am on December 11, she rode this Gogoro S2 Plus to work and stopped for shopping on the way. Unexpectedly he walked and left the car about 3 steps after parking on the center pillar on the side of the road. The locomotive turned left. When he fell to the ground, the rear view mirror, the bodywork and the brake lever on the left side of the motorcycle were scratched from the crash.

Liu Nv said that on the afternoon of the same day (December 11), he returned to the Gogoro Ninxiong store in Renwu district. After inspection by technicians from the original factory, the center column was confirmed to be broken and Liu Nv’s locomotive was left for inspection at the factory. The next day, the Gogoro technician called and claimed that the fracture of the central pillar was caused by “human factors”, so the original factory was not guaranteed, this statement infuriated her.

Liu Nv pointed out that the original price of his Gogoro S2 Plus was more than 80,000 yuan. After deducting the subsidy from Kaohsiung City, he bought it for more than 60,000 yuan. The original warranty on the vehicle was 2 years. You have to increase the price to extend the warranty for 1 year. They are 3 years, but they have no guarantee! “The original factory technician even emphasized that it is because Liu Nu is using the center pillar, so” It is normal for the center pillar to break! ”.

Liu Nu was not satisfied with the statement from the original factory that she did her homework on the internet and found that there were many similar cases on the internet. The fractures of the center pillars were the same as her, showing that the original pillars in the center of the factory were poorly designed and that the fractures were not human factors. He stressed that the original factory’s offer to replace the center column was 1,299 yuan. He couldn’t afford maintenance, but found the original factory’s response too far-fetched. He criticized Gogoro for selling only cars with government subsidies. The rest are car owners’ problems. His attitude is “creepy”.

“Apple” searched the Internet for the case of Gogoro’s broken central column and discovered that in August last year, a netizen had a discussion on the topic of “The plague of Gogoro’s broken central column”. The netizen said that his Gogoro 2 Plus was used for about a year and a half, and the middle column broke during the warranty period. He went to the original factory to ask if the insurance could be issued, but concluded that “it is the user’s problem, not the insurance.” The netizen finally said that he was taken to the store when he got out of the car, “I can only wash my hair and spend money to remove the mess.”

Another netizen posted an article with the topic “The 30,000 km 2PLUS main tripod (center pillar) broke for the second time.” This netizen said, “The second time he broke up, the same place as the first break up.” He searched the internet and found that all car owners who had the same problem were in the same place. On these two occasions, the engineers were asked to verify it and they said this was not a guarantee.

“Apple” messaged other Gogoro posters with broken center pillars, asking if they would like to appear for the interview or provide photos of the car damage, but as of the deadline, the authors have not responded.

The head of “Changtai Motor Industry”, a well-known dating-based “double oil-electric repair” locomotive company in Kaohsiung, said that when the shop was repairing Gogoro electric vehicles, there were many cases of column fractures. “In fact, it happens very often!” It is on the side where the central pillar in the shape of a “U” is stepped on. Some customers have to repair it over and over again. Among them, 3-5 clients are “over the top”, and about two central pillars will be broken in one year.

Boss Lin said that because the Gogoro electric vehicle weighs about 50 kilograms more than a general fuel locomotive, but does not reinforce the thickness of the iron pipe of the center column, it will advise customers not to pull too hard when erects the central column. After lifting the center pillar, people should not sit in the car and shake, so as not to weaken the force of the center pillar.

Boss Lin said that Gogoro electric vehicles that shipped from 2017 to 2019 are more likely to break the center column. According to his understanding, Gogoro has noticed this problem and has also strengthened and improved it. Following the replacement of the new central pillar, there have been fewer cases of fracture since the second half of this year.

The head of the locomotive workshop, who did not want to be named, said the center pillars of traditional fuel locomotives rarely break. Based on their maintenance experience, those who come to repair the center pillars are mostly locomotives that have been around for more than 5 years. You have hardly heard of riding. Cases in which the central pillar broke in more than one year or even more than two years.

Yin Maoqian, director of the Gaoshi Consumer Protection Officer, said: “The central pillar is in use, which is safe because the car is circulating!” If the consumer normally uses it during the warranty period, and the warranty includes the center pillar, unless the original manufacturer can prove that the consumer has misused it; otherwise, the consumer cannot be blamed for the failure of the center column.

The executive director of the Taiwan Consumer Protection Association, Xu Banghan, said that consumers can ask the original manufacturer: “Can you prove that I used it incorrectly?” The original manufacturer cannot be unfounded and unilaterally claim that it is misuse by consumers. It is unfair! ”Consumers are advised to call the national consumer service hotline” 1950 “for the consumer protection officer, ask the consumer protection officer to hold a coordination meeting, and access the Consumer Protection Association from Taiwan to file a complaint online.

Gogoro public relations manager Chen Yijun pointed out that the central pillar of the Gogoro electric locomotive is made up of iron parts and iron pipes. The material and the manufacturing process are no different from those of other motorcycle brands. In normal use situations, Gogoro also provides two central pillars from the delivery of the new car. Annual guarantee rights.

“Apple” asked, what percentage of the Gogoro electric locomotive column is broken or the number of repairs? Chen Yijun said that he could not provide statistics, but stressed that as long as the owner complies with the warranty conditions, Gogoro will definitely fulfill the warranty responsibility. “The center pillars of the locomotive have relevant inspection specifications, and Gogoro meets them!” (Wang Yongchao, Yang Shiwu / Kaohsiung Report)

Press time 0013
