[Exclusivo]Scandalous Police Officer: An 18-year-old student attacked in the library of the upstairs police station with lustful desires | Apple News | Apple Daily


The policeman is daring! Grassroots police officers in Hsinchu County complained to Apple News that a head of the county police station’s security department gave the last name of a student’s buttocks who attacked the buttocks of a female student who was sentenced to death. continue to serve as a civil servant, which left rank-and-file colleagues very dissatisfied. When the boy was on vacation in March last year, he went to the New Taipei city library to read books and newspapers on the 8th floor. When he saw the student sleeping on the table, he extended wolf claws to attack the hips . The student was scared and screamed. Go to the police station on the first floor. The New Taipei City Court was sentenced to 30 days in prison for violating the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act. When the county police station learned of the misbehavior last week, it immediately recorded a minor demerit, was transferred from a non-supervisory position and listed as a counselor.

It is understood that after graduating with a master’s degree from the Law Institute of the Chief of the Security and Defense Division of the Hsinchu County Police Department (46 years old), he enrolled in the master’s program of the Police University and was appointed police officer after graduation. He said he was working normally and was loyal and honest. He also supported the Police Department’s Jing Discipline Team to catch other police officers who violated laws and disciplines. When the news of his assault on the students broke, many people were shocked and shouted “It’s incredible, it’s too exaggerated!”

The verdict noted that on the night of March last year, the boy took a vacation and went to the study room on the eighth floor of the Zhonggang Branch of the New Taipei City Library to read books and newspapers. Shortly after, the 18-year-old student who had been sitting to the side studying was tired and lay on the table. When he was sleeping, the male Chu sensed bad intentions and reached out his wolf hand to touch the student’s butt.

The student was instantly awakened by the disgusting wolf claws and immediately screamed. The boy was stunned for a while, surrounded by the crowd in the study room, and then taken to the China-Hong Kong Police Station on the first floor for justice to be served. Chu Nan confessed to the crime and intended to reconcile with the student, but the student had to teach the evil wolf, insisted on refusing to reconcile and filed a complaint; Chu Nan confessed to the crime when he was sent to the New Taipei City Prosecutor’s Office, for which the prosecutor asked the New Taipei Court for a summary trial.

During the trial, the New Taipei Court concluded that the Chu man confessed to the crime and was consistent with the testimony of the student victim, and the legal evidence for the prevention of sexual harassment was clear. The judge found that for the sake of his own selfish desires, when the female students arrived too late to resist, the male would approach and touch the female students’ buttocks, they obviously disrespected the women’s physical autonomy and their actions were undesirable. The victim reconciled, but was rejected, for which she was sentenced to 30 days in prison for violating the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law and fined 30,000 yuan by Yike.

The Hsinchu County Police Department stated that it was only last week that they learned of Chu’s man’s sentence. It is truly unacceptable that such a case has affected the reputation of the police. The Inspection investigates and clarifies it immediately and confirms that it is true. Punishment, transfer of non-supervisory positions and listing them as counseling targets. (Reported by Yang Shengyu from the Emergency Center / Hsinchu)
