[Exclusivo]Pull! Corning University 1 Associate Professor and 5 Stunned Department Head Students – Dare to Teach Anything | Apple News | Apple Daily


Added: Statement from a member of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education

Chaos at the university exit! Readers complained to Apple News that Corning University’s Tainan campus, which was suspended by the Ministry of Education this academic year, had associate professor Su Zhifen simultaneously head of five departments and vice dean of two administrative directors. What leaves parents and students even more dumbfounded is that she doesn’t understand some courses even better than students, but dares to teach everything from leisure, catering, healthcare, beauty education to fashion, which affects seriously the right of students to receive an education; the school said that because of some If there are no students in the department, one person will be allowed to be the head of the five departments, this is at the discretion of the school’s administrative discretion and everything is in compliance with regulations.

However, the “Apple News” investigation found that among the five departments, only the Department of Fashion Design had no students; You Ronghui, the president of the National Union of Private Schools, made a bombing, and even the school teacher complained to him that Su Zhifen is a full-time teacher outside the establishment. The school let her act as a supervisor to decide the development of the department and participate in the teacher evaluation committee to decide the appointment of teachers in the establishment. The Ministry of Education does not allow part-time jobs, but the school allowed her to fill seven positions. And she is not a leisure specialty, so she brings students from the Department of Free Time Management to practical classes. All kinds of actions are to force students to resign and transfer them. The union once denounced this chaos to the Ministry of Education, but they have all been treated negatively. It is hoped that the Ministry of Education can toughen it up to fully solve this abnormal exit chaos.

The whistleblower told Apple News that earlier this semester, the school issued a new personnel order for the Tainan campus. Many first-level supervisors hold one or more administrative supervisor positions. Among them, Su Zhifen, associate professor and director of the Department of Health Care Management, also in addition to the directors of 5 departments, including the Department of Leisure Management, Food and Beverage Management, Fashion Design and Health and Beauty, is also deputy director and deputy director of the School of Innovation and Management. He is also the director of 7 academics and supervisors. Position.

The author said that Su Zhifen did not understand the restaurant industry at all and that the internship visits were carried out by the students themselves. I don’t understand this industry even more than a student, but I keep taking these classes arrogantly. Some students originally wanted to transfer, but seeing that they were about to graduate, they had no choice but to put up with it. Otherwise, it would be as if the principal “reminded” them that they will be admitted in the last quarter and that there is no place to retake them. Faced with the situation of the students, they do not know. The competent authority, the Ministry of Education, “knows nothing” about this phenomenon.

The author questioned that Su Zhifen only holds seven supervisory positions and that he has to teach courses to students. You will surely be exhausted. How can you teach him to solve his puzzles? Will it harm students’ right to learn? And the Ministry of Education should monitor whether the school affairs in the precarious situation will be an unfavorable development, so as not to harm the students again.

Fu Mulong, chief secretary of Corning University, said that because the original department heads and teachers of the Suspension and Catering Management Department have been given priority, and some departments no longer have students, Su will be the dean of various departments. Discretion. Although Su holds various positions, she only receives assignments from one supervisor and does not receive assignments from other supervisors. In addition, Su’s concurrent position is only administrative work, the courses and teachers are still open normally, which will not affect the right of students to teach, nor will it affect the development of the department, so it basically meets the requirements.

Fu Mulong stressed that after Corning University stopped enrolling in the 107th academic year, there are currently 127 students on the Tainan campus. After June of next year, there will only be 2 departments and 7 students. Next year there will only be 2 students in the undergraduate program. At that time, the Tainan campus If the district does not take control, the land must be returned to Taiwan Sugar.

Su Zhifen serves as dean of 5 departments with 54 students. There are 7 students in the daytime bachelor program, 7 students in the advanced studies bachelor program, 3 students in the master’s program, and 2 students in the special master’s program in the Department of Leisure Management, a total of 19 students . There are 6 students in the daytime bachelor’s course, 8 students in the advanced studies course and 6 students in the master’s course in the Department of Health Management, in total 20 students. There are 5 students in the daytime bachelor’s degree, 4 students in the advanced studies course and 5 students in the master’s course in the Department of Food and Beverage Management, a total of 14 students. 1 day of Bachelor’s degree in the Department of Health and Beauty. 0 in the Department of Fashion Design.

Regarding students’ concerns that they will not be able to graduate if they choose their courses, he stressed that Corning University’s Tainan campus has established an inter-campus course selection mechanism with neighboring universities such as Nantai, Evergreen and Tainan Ying University. . You can choose courses in all schools and take them again, and according to the “University Law”, all courses can be graduated in 6 years.

Regarding the question of whether Su Zhifen is competent for the course? Fu Mulong said that Su Zhifen had obtained credits related to food, food hygiene, safety and other public health credits when she was studying for her master’s degree. When he was teaching at other colleges and universities, he also taught catering-related health care, senior nutrition, occupational health and safety, and related internships. You have restaurant theory and practice and workplace experience, so you may be qualified for restoration practice internships and the restoration industry. Professional ethics and other teaching courses. However, to avoid public doubts and improve the quality of teaching, the internship course is currently jointly opened by Su Zhifen and Su Qinghui, an assistant professor with a doctorate in nutrition.

Su Zhifen said through the school that the academic certificate is for personal privacy, thank you for providing it and is unwilling to respond to the content of the complaint.

Regarding the teaching chaos at Corning University’s Tainan campus, You Ronghui, president of the National Union of Private Schools, said he had received complaints from teachers at the school. There were four questions: 1. Principal Su Zhifen is a full-time teacher outside the establishment. Director, decide on the development of the department and participate in decision-making? Second, Su doesn’t specialize in leisure, so he took the students to practice the classes? 3. The Ministry of Education does not allow one person to hold multiple positions, but Su can. 4. If you are a special teacher who is outside the establishment, why can you participate in the teacher evaluation committee and decide to appoint teachers in the establishment? These four conditions are highly controversial.

As for students, the Corning University Tainan campus is eager to go. The school tries to force students to quit and ask them to transfer. They deliberately do not start classes and are threatened with “being tricked into not being able to take further studies.” If students feel that something is wrong, they will transfer on their own. It is also wrong. There was a student complaint that when he first moved to Corning, the school recognized the credits from the original school, but when he was in fourth grade, the school told him the credits were insufficient. After questioning him, he learned that it was Dean Su Zhifen who had come to cancel the credits he had admitted, causing the students to be unable to graduate, this incident once triggered the Ministry of Education.

You Ronghui said private school unions across the country have informed the Ministry of Education of the chaos on the Corning University Tainan campus, but they have all been treated negatively. Since Chen Qingxi, the vice president of Corning University, was deputy director of the Education Department of the Ministry of Education, the union questioned the abnormal relationship, which made the Ministry of Education hesitant to handle it. But he hopes that the Ministry of Education will be able to harden and completely resolve the abnormal exit from the university.

Zeng Xinyuan, a member of the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, said the Ministry of Education cannot comment on the complainant’s point about the relevant situation of Corning University because it does not have detailed information. If the school violated the regulations. If verified, it will be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations.

He pointed out that the qualifications for the appointment of university department heads and other relevant positions are stipulated in article 13 of the University Law and the organization rules; the academic or practical experience of teachers must be consistent with their teaching curriculum, and the scale and resource of total development. The fifth bullet of the “Condition Standards” also stipulates: “The academic or practical experience of teachers in All universities, institutes, departments, subjects and degree programs of universities and above must be consistent with their teaching courses. The department may conduct written or on-site inspections. Those that do not match and remain inconsistent after the evaluation of Follow-up in the following year, the headquarters may adjust the enrollment fees for each school system and class based on the results of the inspection. (Report by Liu Ronghui, Xin Qisong / Tainan)

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