[Exclusivo]Not just brown sugar, milk, winter melon, lemon but also tea! Chain tea drinkers responded | Apple News | Apple Daily


(New: Doctors Talk About The Effects Of Consuming Caffeinated Beverages On The Body)

The well-known tea drink chain “Mike Xia” surprised a total of 4 drinks with brown sugar and fresh milk, containing tea, which contained caffeine but did not inform consumers, causing a four-year-old girl to have seizures . Readers of “Apple News” revealed that not only brown sugar and fresh milk, but also the popular Chinese winter melon tea drink also contain caffeine, and named the famous chain “Tea Soup Club” and “Kebuke black tea cannot ripen. ” Winter melon tea makes it difficult for customers to identify whether it contains caffeine from the product name. It’s basically a landmine that customers can step on. In this sense, the tea soup will display the list of drinks, emphasizing that the list is checked; “kebuke can be matured black tea” emphasizes that customers who order winter melon tea, only winter melon tea, will not contain caffeine.

The tea soup will confirm to Apple that the winter melon tea-related beverages in the store contain low amounts of caffeine, but are marked on the beverage list. All beverages in the store contain tea ingredients except tea of honey with lemon.

Winter melon tea is a common folk drink that many people have drunk since childhood. It is generally recognized as a caffeine-free tea. However, in hand shake stores, to increase the flavor of the drink, tea is sometimes used to blend it. The people who broke the news pointed out that many people drank at a click without knowing the truth. They had trouble falling asleep or their stomach hurt. After inquiring at the store, they discovered that there was tea in the drink.

The tea soup will be a chain of beverage stores under the well-known “Chun Shui Tang” restaurant. As for the winter melon series, the tea soup will have Tieguanyin winter melon, winter melon latte, winter melon lemon and other items classified as “low / decaffeinated.” The store’s marketing and public relations manager, Zhuang Wanlin, said that the brand is a tea shop, so 90% of all items in the store contain tea. Strictly speaking, only “Lemon Honey Tea” does not contain tea and is caffeine free. .

Named by the public, the hand-cranked beverage store that also contains tea in winter melon tea, “Perhaps”, the name of the store is “kebuke can ripen black tea”, the winter melon tea sold in this store is called “Snowflake Cold Dew”. Order this drink, the employee will serve you pure winter melon tea and will not drink tea containing caffeine. As for the drink called “Lenglu Maduro”, it is black tea with winter melon tea, and “Chunya Lenglu” is winter melon tea with green tea. Coco’s employee said both drinks contain caffeine.

Designer Ms Su (25 years old) said that “Winter Melon Tieguanyin”, “Pearl Winter Melon Guanyin” and “Winter Melon Latte” tea soups feel like they contain tea and should be considered to contain caffeine, but the price list it’s just “Lemon Honey Tea”. Indicate decaf. Others are not clearly labeled. You can only guess yourself. There is no way to tell at a glance. It should make an asterisk and indicate decaf.

Business man Zhang (36 years old) said that the tea soup label can still be judged, because Tieguanyin and latte are teas, but if you step on the thunder question “Winter melon lemon”, you will mistakenly think there is no tea. He was a bit surprised when he learned the truth. I hope the industry makes it clear again, because they will not give their children drinks, but if parents want to give their children drinks, they should pay more attention, and if they are not sure, ask clearly.

Ms. Chen (60 years old), who accompanied her daughter to buy “Cannot”, looked at the price list and said that the label for whether it contains caffeine was not clear and that she could not see what was added, nor could she see which item was pure winter melon tea. The suggestion must be clearly marked so that it can be explained to the public, if it is not really visible, it will be asked directly.

Lin Wenyuan, the attending physician of the Affiliate Physician of the China Medical Department, said that children should try not to eat foods or drinks containing caffeine, because children’s developmental and metabolic systems are not yet fully developed. Caffeine will make your heart beat faster, cause palpitations, anxiety, and interfere with the quality of your sleep. It can also cause osteoporosis, which is very harmful to developing children. Parents are recommended to let their children touch tea, coffee, and cola as little as possible. Also, caffeinated milk tea and coffee desserts are common in daily life, and try not to eat them. (Reported by Huang Renying and Lin Jianfeng / Taichung Report)
