[Exclusivo]Horror! Bread eaters at Shoushan Zoo were besieged by monkeys with a ruptured tendon | Apple News | Apple Daily


(New: experts suggest ways to respond to monkeys)

Monkeys grab food and scratch people! A Kaohsiung woman went to the Shoushan Zoo in Kaohsiung last month, when she was preparing to eat bread in the park, 20 or 30 Taiwanese macaques ran towards her, circled her from side to side, assaulted her, snatched her food and they returned his left hand on the spot. The skin was broken and the meat was splattered with blood, and the doctor discovered that the “extensor tendon” had ruptured. Despite the emergency surgery, Li Fu’s left ring finger was still unable to straighten out and he faced a long period of rehabilitation. Experts advise that food not be exposed after entering the zoo, that when meeting monkeys they should not be scared or dismissed, to avoid the monkeys thinking that they are provoking and attacking them.

A 60-year-old woman surnamed Li was interviewed by “Apple News” during her hospitalization. She still had lingering fears when she was attacked by macaques. It was a subcontracted cleaning staff at the zoo. I wanted to have breakfast before entering the park at the beginning of last month. Unexpectedly, they had just taken out the bread and 20 or 30 macaques rushed in front of her, she beckoned him to leave, but a monkey attacked her from behind and snatched the bread from her left hand.

Before he could react, he suddenly felt a lot of pain on the back of his left hand and when he saw blood splatter on the back of his hand, his colleagues were so scared that he sent Li Fu to the doctor urgently.

Lai Yawei, a plastic surgeon at Kaohsiung Datong Hospital who admitted Li Fu, said that when Li Fu arrived at the hospital, he had an open wound on the back of his left hand and his left ring finger was dangling, unable to straighten or make any movement. Then they sent her to the operating room for surgery. During the operation, he discovered that the “extensor tendon” of Li Fu’s left ring finger had been completely scraped off by the monkey, and it took about an hour to complete the joint operation.

He said that being bitten or scratched by an animal can cause wound infection and tetanus. Li Fu was hospitalized for about a week after the operation and was discharged after receiving antibiotics. However, her left ring finger was still unable to straighten after the operation and she had to go to the rehabilitation department. , Perform long-term rehabilitation to gradually improve the function of the fingers.

Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital plastic surgeon Yang Jiasen noted that there are ten “digital extensor tendons”, one for each finger, and each is responsible for the function of ten fingers. If the “digital extensor tendon” breaks, the finger will not be able to straighten. If you want to restore function, you must perform surgical retraction and rehabilitation after surgery.

Shoushan Zoo is located in Shoushan, the habitat of the macaques. From “Apple News” to the Shoushan Zoo, wild macaques can be seen entering the zoo and in close contact with tourists. Sure enough, the reporter heard a scream in an instant. A tourist carrying a drink was attacked by a macaque and snatched the drink from behind. The monkey escaped, but the tourist was not injured.

Zhuang Xuanzhi, director of the Shoushan Zoo, said there are indeed many macaques inside and outside the park, and they are sometimes heard stealing food from tourists, but other than Li Fu, no other injuries have been heard. Visitors are reminded not to display food after entering the zoo. If you find yourself alone with monkeys, don’t panic and avoid behaviors such as yelling and waving away. This can make monkeys think they are provoking and attacking.

Zhuang Xuanzhi pointed out that if the monkeys have stolen food, “give it to the monkeys.” Don’t chase the monkeys and try to get them back. If you meet the monkeys, you should calm down. If you pass without incident, the monkeys will not attack, remember not to interfere, without feeding principle, without contact, it is possible to live peacefully with the macaques.

Lai Yawei suggested that if people find scratches or animal bites, they can first use normal saline or boiled and then cold water to wash the wound extensively, then cover it with gauze, and then seek emergency medical treatment. Delay in medical treatment can lead to cellulite, sepsis, etc. There is a fatal possibility and Li Fu suffered a finger extensor tendon injury and will have to undergo long-term rehabilitation. (Reported by Wu Huifen of the Local Center / Kaohsiung)

Taiwan Macaque Small File

◎ Scientific name: Macaca cyclopis

◎ Distribution: endemic to Taiwan, lives in areas below 3000 meters above sea level

◎ Eating habits: omnivores, mainly fruits and plant shoots, occasionally eat insects, the types of food change with the seasons.

◎ Conservation level: reduced to general animal level on January 9, 2019

Source: “Apple News” data room
