[Exclusivo]3P Movies “Nude Girls” From Taichung Nightclubs! Opening of Major Golxuan Saltwater Test Operation Severely Handled by Police | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


(Update: Golxun statement added)

A nightclub in Taichung will open this Saturday and invite a new generation of well-known singer Gao Erxuan to perform at his residence. Unexpectedly, during the shop’s test operation a few days ago, two suspected nude dancers were invited to straddle the dancer on stage and swing back and forth to have sex. Some viewers thought 3P’s public performance was too salty and wet, and they were filmed and uploaded to the internet. The whole case was investigated by the district police, and the nightclub operator and the person in charge of the place were contacted. All confessed that the dancers wore leggings and did not appear at the performance. However, the police cited the explanation of the Chief Justice and believed that he had reached the level of obscenity and would strictly deal with the industry, the scene manager and the dancers.

This nightclub is a “super house” on Daguan Road, formerly known as a “show house”. It started working as a test at the end of last year. It is expected to officially open on January 16. A new generation of well-known singer Gao Erxuan will be invited to perform on the same day. Unexpectedly, the “super house” has not yet officially opened, because the content of the dancers’ performance is salty and wet, which generates controversy.

Upon learning of the incident today, Goleshen’s agent said: “The performance was purely commercial. The film was not related to us. I hope the outside world does not establish too many ties. I just heard the news this morning. Know the situation with the manufacturer and then make a decision and respond. “

According to a video uploaded by Internet users to the Facebook group “Black Giants”, last Saturday night (9), in addition to inviting the well-known singer Pai Weijun to the stage, the industry also arranged two foreign dancers in tights in the early morning on the 10th. Turn and swing your hips on stage. Another dancer was lying on the floor of the stage, and one of the dancers sat directly below the dancer’s abdomen, rocking back and forth.

Another dancer slowly approached as well, straddling the dancer’s thigh, and then the dancer’s lower abdomen pressed against the dancer’s buttocks in front, rocking back and forth to the deafening music, making suspicions. of sexual movements. The blood of the audience in the audience is stunned.

Police captured the content of the video and investigated. Yesterday (12) they communicated with the practitioner and the person in charge of the scene, both confessed that the dancers wore leggings, insisting that they maintained the three points in the performance and did not violate the law. He refused to reveal the identity of the dancer and said he would have to wait for the police to send him an official notice before going to the case to explain.

“Apple News” called the official Facebook website of the “super house”, but no one responded and the industry response could not be obtained temporarily.

According to the police, the industry believes that the performance of the dancers is reserved and has not violated the law. However, according to the Interpretation No. 407 of the Council of Magistrates: “Indecency refers to all moral feelings that are objectively sufficient to stimulate or satisfy sexual desire and cause shame or disgust in common people.” This performance has reached the level of indecency, so it is still the head of the disco, the head of the scene and the dancers will be notified of the case, and the case will be handled strictly.

Practicing attorney Lin Qiongjia said that based on the film’s content, it is not only objective enough to stimulate or satisfy people’s sexual desires, but it will also make ordinary people feel disgusted or embarrassed. Such intrusive moral sentiments are enough to hurt social mores. Therefore, the industry and the administration in place Those who intend to make a profit may violate Article 234 of the Criminal Law “Crimes of alteration of the weather” and can be punished with up to two years in prison, and Performers who manifestly and obscenely intend to be seen by others may be punished by up to one year in prison. (Wang Huangzhong Local Center, Chen Huihan / Taichung Entertainment Center, Taipei Online Report)

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