[Exclusivo / Enfermedad de las guerras de Tianwang 1]Funeral tycoon Li Shicong rumored his daughter had a brain tumor worth tens of billions to quickly take over | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


On November 27 of last year (2020), Li Shicong, the king of funerals and founder of the Longyan Group, appeared in court wearing a baseball cap in a case of embezzlement of public funds. His entourage was particularly concerned that his head was beaten and protected at all times. Li Ji yelled, “Be careful not to hit him or block his head …”

Some people who know the inside story said that Li Shicong was weak that day, needed help, and walked slowly. When he took off his hat in court that day, he could still see a long scar on his head. As for the reason for his illness, Friends are uncomfortable to reveal.

However, “Apple News” received the news that Li Shicong was so cautious due to a brain tumor right after the operation.

A week after the court appearance on December 3, Longyan’s board of directors elected Li Shicong’s daughter Li Kaili and Liu Weilong, a veteran and former director who had followed Li Shicong for more than 20 years old, he was transferred to advisor and officially announced that the second generation would take over the road. One-year-old Li Kaili took over her father’s business and became a “funeral magnate” worth tens of billions.

According to the “Apple News” investigation, Li Shicong surrendered Long Yan to his daughter “without prior notice” after appearing in court. It was precisely because he was concerned about his poor health and was actively preparing to focus on fighting the challenge of the disease in the new year. .

According to what “Apple” found with many people familiar with the matter, Li Shicong was indeed operated on for a brain tumor, and the brain tumor almost affected his daily life, so that the meetings of some friends were canceled some time ago.

People familiar with the matter noted that Li Shicong felt suddenly weak at a party in late October 2020. After a medical examination, it was discovered that he had a stroke. Because he had a long-standing atrial fibrillation disease, he thought it was an old disease that caused the stroke, but he was being treated. About 2 weeks later, I found that my condition was not improving, I checked it again and found that it was a very difficult brain tumor.

After the surgery, Li Shicong’s current condition is reportedly still to be managed carefully by medical staff, so specific follow-up treatment is still being carried out at the hospital.

Li Shicong, who is worth tens of billions and was once on the “Forbes” World Rich List, has always been little known about his health. In the early years, he was reported to have stroke symptoms during a meal. It was Wu Mingxian, the current director of the National Taiwan University Hospital who was present at the time, who discovered the warning and sent him to the doctor for early treatment, leaving no serious sequelae.

In August last year, Li Shicong also reported that he was admitted to the Jingfu VIP room at National Taiwan University. At that time, he was found to be in good health. He only suffered from a hidden disease common to the Chinese people. He was hospitalized for emergency observation due to postoperative bleeding.

However, this brain operation is a great challenge for Li Shicong, and expediting the arrangement of his daughter’s succession is also a decision that Li Shicong must make.

According to Longyan sources, Li Shicong is currently appointed chairman of the group. Although you have completed the succession of the second generation, you are not alone and will continue to participate in discussions about important decisions. However, he has not seen the president join the company recently.

Li Kaili, who took over the funerary kingdom, was quite discreet. His succession information was only reported by a press release, and even the photos were not released to the public. The outside world was full of curiosity for her. Some media asked her for a date, but she was rejected outright. .

According to “Apple”, Li Kaili, who is 40 years old, is married with no children. Although he joined the board of directors after taking over from Dong Zuo this time, Li Shicong gave him more than 139,000 Longyan shares three years ago. She, based on the market value at the time, immediately became a daughter of tens of billions.

According to a source, it will be a full moon when Li Kaili takes over as Dong Zuo. She is still familiar with taking over the business. You have not set a set goal for internal operations. However, Long Yan is currently under the leadership of general manager Wang Qunzhong with scientific and technological expertise. Transformation, “Li Dong also attaches great importance to this.”

Liu Weilong, the original director of Longyan, took over from the ousted director Li Shicong in 2017. After passing the baton to Li Kaili this time, he will complete the task in stages and be appointed as lead consultant to assist Li Kaili and provide advice. on the group’s business decisions. “But I don’t usually enter the company.”

As for Longyan’s young master, Li Kaili’s younger brother Li Junyi (31 years old) is currently the legal person of the company’s corporate director. He is engaged in science and technology business outside the country and has not assumed the current position of Longyan.

Li Shicong founded Longyan to change the traditional funeral industry with modern business methods and models, allowing him to accumulate enormous wealth. However, in recent years, the fact that the name of the funeral king has become more known to the outside world is the scandal between him and the former Humble House Dong Zuo Lai Mi, known as the “Flute Princess”.

In May 2018, Li Shicong and Lai Mile, along with artist couple Xiao S, went to Japan to take the “Seven Stars of Kyushu” for an extravagant train ride. They were photographed by Next Magazine, which fully exposed this extramarital affair and shocked society. all walks of life.

Although more than a month after the outbreak, Miles Lai asked to resign from the board of directors of Humble House, but then Li and Lai traveled together to Fiji, Switzerland, France and other places, and Li’s car entered and left the luxurious community. Lai Mile residential more like homes. The two never denied this indecent relationship.

According to “Apple”, Lai Miles and Li Shicong jointly invested in the establishment of “Tengda Airlines”, which originally intended to develop the high-end commercial aircraft management business, and the first aircraft was the first-rate Gulfstream private jet. level of Li Shicong, but in December 2019, the former director of Tenda After Zhao Guoshuai’s long-term management team left the company, although Lai Miles took over as chairman of the board, Tenda suspended operations on 9 September of last year after less than a year.

It is noted that Li Shicong’s private jet is planned to be delivered to Flying Trinity, which also operates the largest commercial jet, and is also looking for a buyer.

Based on the clues, it appears that the interaction between Lai Miles and Li Shicong is not as good as the love period two years ago. Coupled with Li Shicong’s recent healthy red light, rumors that the two of them broke up have spread.

“Apple” asked Longyan about Li Shicong’s health. Longyan Group replied: “I do not know the physical condition of the president and cannot answer.”

Regarding media inquiries about Li Shicong’s illness, the Beijing Inspection Bureau always refused to explain the relevant illness for reasons of personal privacy, only responding discreetly: “No comment.” (Life, Real Estate, Finance, Judicial Center / Full Report)
