[Exclusiva]The current situation of a 14-year-old girl who opened a secret room and seeks punishment for 11 years is exposed! The family replied | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


(Just Added: Grandma Video Interviewed)

A 14-year-old girl from Kaohsiung was lured to Hsinchu by the conserved Luo Yuxiang and was imprisoned in the Tooting House for 66 hours. The Kaohsiung District Prosecutor’s Office (29) today prosecuted the crimes of aggravated temptation and private detention. It is recommended that the court be sentenced to 11 years. Three accomplices were also prosecuted, including Luo’s wife, who helped hide the girl. The girl’s family told Apple News they were “satisfied” with the alleged Luo jail for 11 years. The girl has returned to school and her life has returned to normal. “Thanks for your concern!”

“Apple” went to the girl’s residence this afternoon. A neighbor curiously asked the reporter about his visit. When he learned that Luo Yuxiang, the suspect who abducted the girl, was indicted today by the prosecutor for 11 years in prison, he said: “Good sentence!”

The door to the girl’s residence was deeply closed, and the reporter still tried to ring the doorbell at the girl’s house. Later, the girl’s grandmother asked, “Who are we looking for?” The reporter confirmed his identity and asked him what he thinks about the suspect Luo Yuxiang on trial for 11 years in prison. , The grandmother replied that her son (the girl’s father) is away and must wait for him to return before she can express her opinion.

The journalist asked her if she was satisfied with the 11-year sentence from the prosecution or if she felt too light or too heavy. Grandma couldn’t hide her excitement and said, “Yes! Of course there is satisfaction!” The grandmother also said that the girl has returned to school and her life has returned to normal. Thanks for your concern.

The girl met Luo Nan as a security guard through the Internet. In May this year, Luo Nan tricked her into working as an “esports escort player.” To gain the girl’s trust, the girl can earn 200 to 1,000 yuan after each job; this year; In August, when Luo Nan offered to help the young woman become a full-time employee for a higher salary, the young woman did not suspect that she had it and agreed to go north to Hsinchu for an interview.

At 12:55 on August 29 this year, I went with my close friends and classmates. According to Luo Nan’s instructions, I took the northbound high-speed train from Zuoying Station to Hsinchu, and Luo Xian bought the northbound high-speed train tickets for the girls and sent them to her. Remember to download the girl’s vehicle registration number. At the end of the day, when the girl had not returned to the high-speed train station as scheduled, the classmates were shocked to tell the girl’s parents what happened. The girl’s mother was quick to find out too. Social concerns.

Luo Nan led the girl to her mother’s hiding place in the secret room on the fourth floor of the Tootian Mansion in Zhudong. He also gave his mobile phone to an accomplice surnamed Lu, and asked Lu Nan to bring the girl’s phone to Taipei for 3,000 yuan, and finally left it there. Along the Huanhexi Road Embankment, Yonghe District, New Taipei City. When the police found Lu Nan, Lu also said that the girl was in New Taipei City and misled the police in handling the case.

In the process of searching for the girl’s whereabouts, the police searched the Hsinchu mansion of Luo Yuxiang’s mother three times. Finally, due to his uncomfortable conscience, the police reminded the police that there was a secret room under the ceiling on the fourth floor of the mansion. The police returned, broke the lock of the secret room, and entered and arrested Luo Nan. A girl who was held captive for 66 hours. (Reported by Wang Yongchao / Kaohsiung)

Press time: 18:09
