[Entrevista / Laizhu revisando el medidor de agua]Su Weishuo, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, to fight back, presents an international document: The air will disperse the bleaching agent | Apple News Network | Apple Daily


Su Weishuo, former GP of the Department of Psychiatry at Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, has recently made frequent comments that ractopamine can be harmful to health, stating that the toxicity of lycin is 250 times greater than that of ecstasy. . In addition to dispersing in the air, it will also enter the water body through the droppings of raised animals. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare identified the rumor as false and reported it to the police. Su Weishuo said in an exclusive interview with “Apple News” today (17) that Lai pigs are poisonous pigs. He believes that the actions of the Ministry of Health and Welfare will have a chilling effect. He questioned why the case was not reported to the District Attorney’s Office. He directly criticized that “this is no longer a control of water meters, it is repressing freedom of expression and impeding the rights and interests of the Constitution.”

US pigs containing ractopamine will be opened for import on New Year’s Day next year. Anti-Lean Pigs Civil Alliance member Su Weishuo has repeatedly made anti-Lean Pig comments in the Internet community. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, the competent authority, has identified false information to the police. The political office informs it and refers it to the Criminal Bureau for investigation.

Vice Minister of Health and Fukuoka: “There is also in the air, and also on the ground.” Exaggerating the message will cause panic

Xue Ruiyuan, vice minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said yesterday that Su Weishuo said that ractopamine was “in the air and on the ground” as an exaggerated message. In addition, Su said that American pigs containing Lycein will be imported next year and that American cattle containing Lycein have been imported for many years, which is likely to cause panic. “Dare to Say” is an expert. Speaking should be academic. “Xue Ruiyuan noted that the complaint is not against Su Weishuo’s identity, but his personal behavior. The follow-up will be investigated by the police and prosecutors; if there are similar public announcements in the future Your comments” will follow suing “.

The Food and Drug Administration also stated yesterday that Su Weishuo publicly stated that the toxicity of the high school is 250 times that of ecstasy, that the high school can be detected in the air, and that the use of pork containing bleach will cause illness. mental health and autism. The department has issued a press release that Su Es unfounded and alarmist, remembering not to spread false comments, so as not to violate the Law. It is to inform according to the law.

In order to clarify the facts, “Apple News” today interviewed Su Weishuo on the basis of his argument. When interviewed, he showed a cited article and pointed out that ractopamine can be dispersed in the air. The scientific articles he cited were research conducted by Texas research institutions, including Texas universities. Texas is a great agricultural state in the United States, and the credibility should be very high. high. They are studying the use of ractopamine on livestock farms. Taiwan has yet to open up ractopamine, so they cannot use livestock farms for research.

However, Su Weishuo said research in the United States shows that ractopamine will disperse through the air. In addition to the air, it will also enter the water body through the excrement of farmed animals, including rivers and wetlands, and cause soil contamination. These contaminated soils can be absorbed by plants, and even some American wildflowers can be detected with ractopamine.

You mentioned that ractopamine is the promoter of TAAR1. TAAR1 is a receptor associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, drug addiction, diabetes, and obesity. You only need a very low drug concentration to trigger an effect. TAAR1 will amplify its effect after being stimulated.

Su Weishuo said that he had presented a paper published in 2017 by the international academic circles of Canada, the United Kingdom, Russia and Switzerland at the public hearing of the Health and Environmental Protection Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in October, and collected historical data on humans and animals. According to the data in this article, the EC50 functional activity (toxicity) of ractopamine in TAAR1 in mice is 250 times higher than that of MDMA.

Regarding the FDA’s accusation that the document he cited was incorrect, he admitted that it was because the FDA went to check the document and found that the document he cited had misplaced the numbers, but after conversion, indeed it was on TAAR1 and mouse ractopamine. There is still MDMA, which is a quarter of the ecstasy.

Su Weishuo: Ractopamine should not enter the food chain, especially in foods that children can eat.

However, Su Weishuo believes that the focus is not on multiple times, let alone 250 times, not even one in 250 should be allowed to enter the food chain, especially on foods that children can eat. He said the Food and Drug Administration must address the possible effects of ractopamine on brain development and must conduct related research.

In addition, when it comes to autism, he noted that currently ractopamine belongs to a type called the “beta receptor,” which is generally used as a treatment for asthma and in part as an antifetal drug. Many studies in the United States have found that another type of beta receptor called terbutaline has caused autism.

He noted the impact of ractopamine on autism. He recently proposed a “neurodevelopmental toxicity risk assessment.” Both internationally and in Japan, they have established standard procedures to assess neurodevelopmental toxicity. The United States Environmental Protection Agency also announced in mid-1998. According to the Health Effects Test Guidelines numbered OPPTS 870.6300, Taiwan may not have entered standard mode. “At the time, I said that because I wanted to block the pigs, I could contact the United States. It would take several years to do a” neurodevelopmental toxicity risk assessment. “

Su Weiruo calls on the Ministry of Health and Welfare to establish Taiwan’s developmental neurotoxicity assessment report first

He urged that many research articles have been published in international scientific journals and that animal experiments have confirmed that it will affect the nervous system and behavior of animals. Before the Ministry of Health and Welfare has completed the developmental neurotoxicity assessment report established by Taiwan, all the people will never allow myopic governments. Officials irresponsibly risk the next generation of mental disorders and do any transactions with the United States government.

Regarding the complaint from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Su Weishuo regretted that the practices of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare were highly incorrect. The Food Hygiene and Safety Management Law is equivalent to the Criminal Law and has criminal responsibility. You can put people in jail and use the Criminal Law to deal with doctors. “I am afraid I found a medical dispute and the sentence would not be so severe. My purpose is to warn Lai Zhu of the risks. This was originally the responsibility of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. I did not receive the salary from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Help them read it and translate it into Chinese. Even if they don’t read it, they still bite into it. “

Denounced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for violating the “Food Safety Law” Su Weishuo: Repression of freedom of expression

Su Weishuo questioned that the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare should inform the local prosecutor’s office and be tried by the prosecutor, because the case is a violation of article 46-1 of the Food Safety Law and involves penalties. Will the report be delivered to the local police station by the Criminal Office? Such behavior will cause a chilling effect and make doctors afraid to speak. He said that he would go to the police station on the 25th to explain that he also criticized that “this is no longer a control of water meters. It is repressing freedom of expression and undermining the rights of the Constitution.” Even on the anniversary of the Constitution, the government must think carefully.

He mentioned that before the opening of the Laizhu on New Year’s Day, he and the militia would stay in Kaidao on the night of the 31st and express their protest to the government at the New Year’s Day flag-raising ceremony. “Americans are reasonable. I will first send the brochure to AIT scientists for research. If you are interested in speaking with us, welcome to witness a dialogue between scientific evidence and scientific evidence under the testimony of the media.” . (Wu Shaoyu / Taipei Report)

[Información relacionada citada por Su Weishuo]

Ractopamine in particulate matter emitted from cattle feedlots and beach wetlands in the Central Plains

Fate and transport of β-adrenergic agonist ractopamine hydrochloride in soil-water systems

Ractopamine intake for alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and wheat (wheat) ground

“The possibility of ractopamine entering the human body through the environment”
