Entire row of road locomotives towed! Stunned woman “one left survives” invincible key exposed | New | NOWnews Today News


Entire row of road locomotives towed! Stunned woman “one left survives” invincible key exposed | New | NOWnews Today News

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Entire row of road locomotives towed! Stunned woman, “one left survives” invincible key exposed

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-24 06:52:21

▲ Netizens shared that on the road they encountered police towing the illegal parking vehicle, but an electric locomotive survived.  (Photo / taken from Booming Complaint Commune)
▲ Netizens shared that they encountered the police who were towing the illegal parking vehicle on the road, but there was an electric locomotive that survived. (Photo / taken from Booming Complaint Commune)

Due to the large number of locomotives in Taiwan, the parking space is often insufficient. Many people are lucky enough to park on the red line and are fined or even towed away by the police. Some netizens recently shared that they saw a whole row of red line locomotives on the road being towed, but there was one “survivor”. She was very taken aback when she saw it.

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The original PO published a post in the “Guilty Complaints Commune” that “As I passed a certain road, I saw the police towing an entire row of raped locomotives, but a closer look revealed that only the single red electric bike survived” . Let her sigh, “Turns out towing a locomotive is not towing this. I think selective towing is very dumb.”

▲ Many netizens said after reading it, this is because the electric locomotive is not on the list and cannot be towed.  (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ Many netizens said after reading it, this is because the electric locomotive is not on the list and cannot be towed. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

As soon as the post came out, netizens responded: “Because it’s an electric car … without a license plate”, “Some electric vehicles can’t be towed without a license plate and you can’t prove who it is”, “There’s no way to tow without a license plate. ” It shows that the owner of the car, if someone intends to steal it, will be responsible for the guardianship “,” Helpless, basically invincible without license plate … like a bicycle “,” Without license +1 “. In fact, electric locomotives have the same specifications as ordinary locomotives. They must be equipped with a license plate and a driver’s license. The license plate is black on a white background and shows the words “Electric Vehicle”. The Ministry of Transport also announced an amendment in September 2020. As part of the draft provisions of the Road Traffic Management Sanctions Regulation, the new provisions stipulate that all electric bicycles must be listed and violators will be fined between NT $ 1200 and NT $ 3600. People who use electric bikes should pay more attention. (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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