Elderly father and son were rushed to hospital due to violent fire in Tiancuo district of Taoyuan-Taiwan Apple Daily


  1. The evil Tiancuo Taoyuan fire, elderly father and son sent to the doctor, both died Taiwan Apple Daily
  2. Older father and son died in the dark night of the Taoyuan Apartment’s Free Times bulletin
  3. In the middle of the night, the smoke-smelling and choking residents fled, 2nd floor, father and son were rescued from the scene of the fire and died after being sent to the doctor.
  4. News / Taoyuan through the early morning fire! Father and son “ no heartbeat ” at the scene of the fire, sent to the doctor and both died
  5. Father and son killed in Taoyuan fire, family members in mourning and called for souls, 8 relatives escaped with persistent fears UDN United News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report