Eating habits small health control: How can foreign foods eat healthier? What are the disease risks of not eating well? -PanSci



  • Author: Chenman Ting | Registered Dietitian Australia, currently serving nutrition Aranth Amman

In modern society, it is difficult to worry about not eating enough, but how to eat well and eat healthy is a challenge. Many people’s meals are resolved by eating out, and their features include various fast foods, high-sugar drinks, processed snacks, and high-fat snacks on the road. Even back then, it was common to have more meat and fewer dishes, such as braised pork rice, pork rib rice, chicken leg rice, and meat noodles.

Are your eating habits healthy? Let’s take a look at the most common eating habits with hidden health risks! Figure / wikimedia

What health risks do these eating habits cause? In recent years, many of the diseases considered elderly, the age of patients has become younger. The following are the health risks of some bad eating habits over a long period of time:

Diseases that can result from poor eating habits.

Cardiovascular disease – no longer a patent for middle-aged and elderly people!

Many people think that cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes and heart diseases, etc., the main patients are the elderly. But in fact, the number of cases under the age of 60 has more than halved, and there are more and more young patients in their 30s and 40s, especially men.

Research shows that lifestyle in the 1920s directly affects cardiovascular risk in the 1940s. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as:

  • Body mass index (BMI) stays within a healthy range
  • No tobacco and alcohol habits
  • Healthy nutrition
  • Regular exercise

Conversely, without maintaining a healthy lifestyle, by midlife, 95% of people will be at high risk for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, people with a family history of heart disease must develop a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

If you don’t exercise, you will become a coach. Figure / self made

In addition to the general health factors mentioned above, the most notable hidden killer in our diet related to cardiovascular health isTrans fatToo Much Because trans fats are easy to store, cheap, and can make food extremely crisp, they are widely used in the processed food industry.

If your daily trans fat intake reaches just 1% of total calories per day, it will pose a major threat to cardiovascular health. For example, if you consume approximately 2,000 calories per day, trans fat should not exceed 2.2 grams, which equals approximately half a teaspoon, it is very easy to exceed the standard. Ingesting trans fats will increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, which will lead to blockage of the coronary arteries and increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Cancer: the number one cause of death for young adults

In addition to cardiovascular disease, cancer is also one of the youngest diseases. According to the statistical report of the cause of death of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, from 2014 to 2018, the number one cause of death for young adults between 25 and 44 years old is all malignant tumors. At the same time, the number of people with cancer in this group has also increased year after year.

You don’t think you will get cancer when you eat vegetables, but pickled vegetables can produce carcinogens in the process. Figure / pxhere

There are many types of cancer that have been linked to a lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet. According to data estimates, there are more than 370,000 cancer deaths caused by insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables worldwide each year. Taking Europe as an example, cancer caused by insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables represents up to 30% of all cases.

Unlike in Europe and the United States, esophageal cancer and gastric cancer are more common in Southeast Asia, and the death rate from these cancers is also high. This is a diet trap that is often overlooked in our diet culture:Pickled vegetablesMatters Common pickled vegetables include pickled cucumbers and radishes used as appetizers or side dishes, as well as sweet and sour ginger, pickles, mustards, and dried plums.

Back in 1991, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified traditional Asian pickled vegetables as plant foods that can be carcinogenic to humans and conducted the corresponding research. In the process of making pickled vegetables, if not handled properly, it is easy for fungi to proliferate, producing carcinogenic compounds such as N-nitroso compounds and mycotoxins. The combined analysis of 34 studies showed that eating pickled vegetables increased the risk of esophageal cancer by approximately two-fold.

Therefore, it is recommended that the diet be based as much as possible on fresh vegetables, and the less pickles, the better. If for storage reasons, you can choose fermented vegetables, such as kimchi and other plant products that contain probiotics.

Drop: not fatal, it hurts terribly

Figure / Needpix

Gout is a disease in which the uric acid content is too high, causing uric acid to crystallize in the joints. Although gout is not fatal, the pain caused by the attack will cause great inconvenience to daily life.

Gout was called “emperor’s disease” in the past, because high uric acid generally occurs in people who love meat, drink alcohol, and long-term high-sugar, high-sugar diets. In recent years, with the change in life and eating habits, the phenomenon of juvenile gout caused by high uric acid has become increasingly serious.

The scientists tracked more than 46,000 testers over 12 years and found that even if they drink just one can of sugary soda per day, they are 74% more likely to develop gout. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the intake of drinks with high sugar content, such as fruit juices, hand drinks, sports drinks and energy drinks. Because the body produces uric acid when it metabolizes fructose, to prevent gout, it is recommended that your intake of sugary drinks does not exceed one cup per month, or you can choose a sugar substitute.

In addition to the aforementioned sugary drinks and known excess foods,Excessive dietIt is also one of the factors that cause gout attacks. Rapid weight loss in a short period of time will cause excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the body, which indirectly prevents the kidneys from leaking uric acid into the body. At the same time, by dieting, the body metabolizes the body’s tissues, produces energy, and greatly increases the purine content in the body, resulting in the accumulation of uric acid.

Iron deficiency anemia

Figure / pixabay

Approximately one fifth of women of childbearing age (15-49 years) in Taiwan suffer from anemia, but the mild symptoms of anemia are not obvious. The main symptoms are fatigue, cold hands and feet, and paleness, which are easily overlooked.

In the diet, the easily absorbed source of iron is animal heme. The daily diet is more abundant in red meats such as beef and lamb; Other foods rich in iron are categories that are eaten less daily, such as seafood oysters, mussels, blood and liver, etc.

Therefore, in addition to excessive bleeding during the physiological period, insufficient meat intake and partial eating habits are also one of the main causes of anemia. Data shows that the average daily iron intake for Taiwanese women is only 11 mg, which is well below the recommended intake of 15 mg. Drinking tea or coffee while eating will make iron absorption even more difficult.

Iron deficiency anemia can cause fatigue and decreased concentration, which can affect learning and work performance. A study in the United States found that college students with low levels of iron in their bodies had an average score of 0.34 points, which is equivalent to 5 points on Taiwan’s 100-point scale.

How can I eat healthier? From these points to improve eating habits.

Since most chronic diseases in print bother the elderly, it feels very distant to the young. Although most people know that a balanced diet is good for health, they often eat as much as they want. But in fact, the functions of the human body will begin to decrease after 25 years. If you want to delay aging and prevent the effects of disease during your adult life, it is very important to cultivate and maintain good eating habits. This matter is not difficult, even if it is a strange food, as long as you pay more attention to eating healthy.

Method 1: reduce your sugar intake and choose low sugar / sugar free drinks

The first step in changing eating habits begins with “choice.” Figure / pikrepo

According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA), the daily intake of added sugar is 37.5 grams (9 teaspoons) for men and 25 grams (6 teaspoons) for women. However, the sugar content of one cup of whole sugar hand-drunk can reach more than 10 teaspoons, which has reached the upper limit of the recommended daily intake. A

When buying drinks, we can adjust the sweetness to be slightly sugar-free or sugar-free. Since our tongue needs time to adjust to sweetness, if we feel it’s hard to get used to the sugar-free option all at once, we can start slowly from 7 sugar points, gradually move to half sugar and finally switch to sugar-free. At the same time, choose to use fresh milk flavored drinks, such as fresh milk tea, it will be healthier than cream milk tea.

Method two: protect the cardiovascular system, don’t choose trans fat products

Figure / pixabay

All crispy cakes, breads, fried foods, and creams may contain trans fat. For example, the donuts, scallion pancakes, scones, croissants, and muffins that are common for breakfast are high-fat options. Healthy breakfast options include European-style whole wheat toast or bread with fresh vegetables and meat, Japanese rice balls,Chinese Package (For example, vegetable and mushroom buns) and so on.

When choosing snacks, you can pay attention to the list of ingredients and avoid choosing processed foods that contain the words “hydrogenated vegetable oil”, “hydrogenated fat”, “butter oil”, “partially hydrogenated oil” or “emulsified vegetable oil “

  • The following are common foods high in trans fat:
Sandwiches Bread / Pastry Takeaway Cooking oil
Chocolate: 0.36 g / 100 g
Chocolate chip cookies: 0.6 / 100g
French fries: 2.4 g / 1 packet (60 g)
Popcorn: 9.4 / 100g
Muffin: 1.4 / 100g
Can sing: 0.76 g / 1
Cheesecake: 0.57 / 1 piece (126 g)
Donuts: 0.8 / 1
Fritters: 1.3 / 1
Shallot cake: 0.18 / 100g
French fries: 4.4g / 100g
Crispy soup: 1.6 g / 1 bowl (315 g)
Cheeseburger: 0.8g / 1 piece (254g)
Margarine: 0.5g / 100g
Other cooking oil: 1g / 100g

Method 3: fresh vegetables and fruits for meals, supplement with vitamins and antioxidants

Figure / pexels

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and are also an important source of dietary fiber. If the main meal lacks the combination of fruits and vegetables, it will reduce satiety provided by dietary fiber, and it is easy for people to eat too much food that is high in oil and sugar. Also, insufficient long-term intake of fruits and vegetables is one of the risk factors for many chronic diseases.

The World Health Organization recommends eating more than 400 grams of fruits and vegetables every day. To ensure an adequate intake of fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to have at least one fresh vegetable and fruit at every meal (not just for a good presentation). For example, breakfast can be combined with an apple or banana, lunch and dinner can order an additional salad, sautéed vegetables, cold vegetables or mushrooms.


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