Eating a Buffet is Too Hard to Give Back Waiter Reveals “3 Landmines” Don’t Take It: No Expert Pick | New | NOWnews Today News


Eating a Buffet is Too Hard to Give Back Waiter Reveals “3 Landmines” Don’t Take It: No Expert Pick | New | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-29 15:18:36

buffet, all you can eat
▲ “Xiaoganqianqian’s Game Food” from Sohu recently shared that a waiter revealed that when insiders go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant to eat a buffet, there are “3 courses” that they absolutely must not have. (Schematic / Inverted from Pixabay)

Many people like to go to buffet restaurants to enjoy a variety of high-end cuisine, but how to eat again has always been a very hot topic. In this regard, Sohu’s account “Xiaoganqianqian Game Food” recently shared that a waiter revealed that insiders would never get “3 courses” at all-you-can-eat restaurants.

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According to Sohu’s “Xiaoganqianqian Food Set”, the all-you-can-eat restaurant has a rich variety of dishes and a variety of options, so it is one of the first options for many people to gather together to dinner. However, he noted that some waitresses revealed that some gluttons have special research on ingredients and have an eating philosophy. Among them, the “3 courses” are not served at all in all-you-can-eat restaurants, so the boss can take a look. Recognize him as an insider! The first course is “Grilled and marinated meat, marinated fish”. She revealed that the grilled meat at the restaurant is usually marinated, so most people will choose it for its taste and texture. But she explained that these meats are not as fresh as ordinary meats; If the seasonings are wiped with a cloth, you may find that some meats are not of good quality. If you eat too much, you will have diarrhea. Generally speaking, the insiders won’t take it, let alone eat it. .

The second course is “Cake Desserts”, he pointed out that the cakes are easy to fill and that after eating other delicacies, there is no room for the belly! Also, the cost of cakes and desserts is generally low, so experts will think they are edible or not, and they don’t like to enjoy desserts or pies at all-you-can-eat restaurants.

▲ The
▲ Sohu’s “Xiaoganqianqian Food Game” does not recommend that people go to all-you-can-eat restaurants to buy cakes and other desserts. (Schematic / Inverted from Pixabay)

The third is “soy milk”. He said that soy milk is a food that makes people feel satisfied. It is high in calories and not easy to digest. Even if you can fill it up, you may need to find a place to unload it before you go home. If you eat it, you don’t eat it, which is why it has become one of the most unpleasant dishes for many gluttons. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

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