Duo / “The British are not afraid at all!”, 40-year-old mother rushed back to Taiwan with two children: reassurance


Reporter Chen Yijia / Taipei Report

A variant of the virus broke out in the UK. Another spike in the epidemic has also caused panic in Taiwanese living in the UK. They rushed back to Taiwan. China Airlines took off from London on the 26th and landed at Taoyuan Airport at 5:36 am on the 27th with 114 passengers. The passengers and 13 crew members arrived in Taiwan without problems. Passengers on the flight said they felt much more comfortable returning to Taiwan. Most of the people in foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States, believed that the epidemic was just flu and were not vigilant enough to return to Taiwan and lead a normal life.

▲ Ms. Lin and the children put on masks and protective clothing. (Photo / provided by Miss Lin)

Ms Lin, a tourist who has lived in Kent, England for 25 years, said that she would originally return to Taiwan once a year to visit her parents, but after the outbreak of the epidemic in March this year, she decided not to return. at the moment and organized it directly until January next year. But now Kent is seriously affected by the epidemic. In the disaster zone, she and her friends feared they wouldn’t be able to get out, so they hastily exchanged their tickets this week and called China Airlines to issue them. China Airlines also closed all bookings. They never said the flight was normal or canceled, and I was afraid they wouldn’t be able to return. On this occasion, it is expected to remain in Taiwan for 3.5 months.

Ms Lin said that he is currently tentatively scheduled to return to the UK after Easter. He has lived in the UK for 25 years and found that many foreigners still feel like it’s just the flu and don’t wear masks when they go out. They think the condition is good, not as alert as Taiwan. Many friends around him succeeded and some even died. Today, Britain’s city blockade is tighter. You can’t go to restaurants to eat or go out less, and only occasionally go to open areas like the coast and mountains. Some people still don’t follow the rules. “It is impossible for the British to obey the rules!”

▲ Ms. Lin returned to Taiwan from the UK and is awaiting an inspection. (Photo / provided by Miss Lin)

Ms. Lin said bluntly that Taiwanese are 100 times more alert. When they return to Taiwan this time, they wear not only masks, but also protective clothing and goggles. However, there are no hot meals on the plane, only cold cuts, bread, juice, French fries, etc. He didn’t have the wine he wanted to drink, but only beer. The flight lasted 12.5 hours. She took her two children, ages 4 and 7, and four of her friends, and she was physically and mentally exhausted.

He also revealed that many friends around him returned this time as well. The airfare between her and the children cost £ 4,600, which is equivalent to NT $ 174,800. They still have to spend it because the UK really believes there is “universal immunization” up close. The epidemic in Sweden has gotten out of control and only now is he a little panicky. They left for the airport at 2 p.m. yesterday, and waited another two and a half hours for the on-site inspection. The temperature was only 6 degrees Celsius until they boarded the plane at 9 p.m. It can be said that the whole trip was very exhausting.

After returning to Taiwan, Ms. Lin said that she felt more comfortable. Although you still need to be careful, you can at least lead a normal life. I have spent 9 months of an abnormal life this year. She is especially concerned about young children who are now in elementary school. No suspension of classes, very concerned. He also shouted that the government of Taiwan is right to strictly prevent the epidemic and that the government of Taiwan is very brave.

▲ Ms. Lin and the children put on masks and protective clothing. (Photo / provided by Miss Lin)
