Duck shop “all negative reviews disappeared,” the public praised: delicious for one bite after another-China TV News


Duck Shop

The employee grabs his head with his hand. (Moving the Blast Commune)

Full report from Zhang Yuanhong / Taichung City

A Taichung panda delivery worker went to a duck shop in Beitun District, Taichung, to buy a meal, and was verbally insulted by the shop’s words like “chase a certain” and “wait for Mao. grow together “. To sue. The behavior of the store also made netizens look down. As soon as the incident was exposed, the store’s Google reviews were immediately filled with 1 star, which once lowered the store’s rating to just 1.6 stars. Yesterday (4) all of a sudden the whole page disappeared completely. Until last night, it went back to 4.8 stars. All negative reviews disappeared, leaving all positive reviews.

Netizens criticized the store’s delivery staff

A delivery person posted a message on the “Boom Commune” Facebook group and posted a video stating that he received a duck rice delivery order from a certain Taichung, but was not expecting to reach the number of order. There were no customers or other orders. As a result, after waiting a long time, he did not give her his meals and only served meals to other guests at the place.

The delivery staff revealed that at the time, the employee was still choking the delivery staff with a lame attitude, “Don’t let me meet on the road”, and scolded her for “breaking a certain”, “not getting hit”, ” wait for the hair to grow together. ” Come. “The delivery man was consciously humiliated and ran to the police station to file a complaint and handed over to the police all the film he had made.

When other netizens saw the video on the Facebook community, they also left comments criticizing the store. Many people left the Google reviews of the store and left the version with a 1 star rating. At one point, the store’s rating was just 1.6 stars. Some netizens are bitter, “I want to order a duck rice with my hair still not growing”, “I am afraid of being beaten, so I do not dare to eat it”, “So, can I go to your store if my hair grows ? “,” Choking The sound still chokes me that I am the boss and can’t even tell the employees “,” If you find this kind of attitude, don’t regret it when you find more background “, etc.

All negative reviews disappeared and the score returned to 4.8 stars

However, some sharp-eyed netizens discovered that the store’s Google business information page suddenly disappeared yesterday afternoon, and no one was able to search for it. It didn’t appear again until last night, but when it reappeared, negative reviews previously filled with netizens also appeared. All of them disappeared, and only positive reviews remained, and the score soared to 4.8 stars.

“HuaTV News” searched the store on Google Map and found that most of the remaining comments are positive reviews, “I often drive to take out from work, the staff has a good service attitude and the quality of the meals is good ~ “,” The price is unexpectedly cheap The duck meat is a lot and delicious “,” Not bad, clean, but not easy to park “,” The staff kindly serves and recommends everyone to eat !! “, and some people say “Super delicious, even the picky daughter has a bite.” Take a bite. “

News source: China TV News
