Drinking water was added in the office with the sow’s estrous hormone, a colleague got madly pregnant, and the male blushed excitedly at work


The Bureau of Statistics in Rushan City, Shandong Province, China, is shocked to hear that public officials secretly release

The Bureau of Statistics in Rushan City, Shandong Province, China, is surprised to hear that public officials secretly release “sow estrous hormone” into the drinking water of government officials. (Schematic diagram) Image: Moving to the rural entrepreneurship network

The Bureau of Statistics in Rushan City, Shandong Province, China reported that a serving civil servant was dissatisfied because he felt that the CEO had not reused it. In fact, she bought “sow estrous hormone” on the Internet and had two and a half consecutive years of drinking water at the office. The drinking water was injected with estrus, which allowed colleagues to drink the “poisoned” water, causing many colleagues to have abnormal physical conditions. The Rushan City Public Security Bureau responded to this. In fact, this incident exists and is under investigation.

According to a report on the Chinese Internet, there is an official from the Rushan City Bureau of Statistics who was not satisfied with the appointment of the cadres. To retaliate against society, he bought hormones to stimulate sows to estrus on the Internet and injected them with a syringe. The “killer” in bottled water cited daily by the office has been “poisoning” his colleagues for two and a half consecutive years since August 2017.

And after drinking water containing “sow estrous hormone”, the health of colleagues in the office experienced problems one after another. For example, when the men went to work, they were very excited, blushing and sweating all day, while the female partners got pregnant one after the other, and their menstrual periods were also chaotic. It is possible that menstruation lasts half a year or menopause half a year. The most ridiculous thing is that several 50-year-old colleagues who have gone through menopause have had their periods again, and the two pregnant colleagues from the office gave birth to babies weighing more than 5 kg. Everyone does not know why. Something strange happened.

Until Li Hongfei, director of the Bureau of Statistics, had a swollen neck almost as if it didn’t. After going to the hospital for an examination, the examination report found that his body’s triad hormones, testosterone propionate, progesterone, and other hormones were seriously exceeded. Since this hormone is used to wake sows to stimulate mating, it is impossible for humans to come into contact with them, so the doctor advised him to call the police.

After Li Hongfei returned to his office, he searched all the places in the Bureau of Statistics that might be contaminated by hormones. No suspicious spots were found. However, he found a “glass bottle of hormones used by animals” in the garbage container inside the Bureau of Statistics. There really was a poisoning incident, and the “killer” was later caught.

A news item went viral in China recently. A person familiar with the matter broke the news that an official serving at the Bureau of Statistics in Rushan City, Shandong Province, because he was dissatisfied with the “cadre’s appointment,” actually bought “estrous hormone from the pig “on the Internet.

He also injected estrous into the unit’s bottled water for two and a half years in a row, allowing colleagues to drink the “poisoned” water, resulting in many colleagues having abnormal physical conditions. The Rushan City Public Security Bureau responded that there was indeed this incident and that it is under investigation.

A whistleblower revealed that an official in the city of Rushan, Shandong province, poisoned the drinking water of the Bureau of Statistics Figure: Posted again from the cover story

A whistleblower revealed that an official in Rushan City, Shandong Province, poisoned the Bureau of Statistics’s drinking water Figure: Retrieved from the cover story
