“Dragon hunting team” to Changhua to catch a green iguana in one day breaking a hundred new records-Life-Zhongshi


The surfer
Netizen “Wu Xiaozhen”, whose real name is Wu Zhehong, took his wife and a family of four to eliminate green iguanas during the holidays. Last weekend, he went to Erlinxi, Changhua. The removal broke a hundred in a single day, setting a new record, and the captured sub-adults lined up. It is spectacular. (Authorized by Wu Xiaozhen / Fax by Xie Qiongyun, Changhua)

[Wu Xiaozhen]Erlinxi in Changhua ~ Dinosaurs are infested !? Are you still ready !? Green Iguana ~ Overwhelmed, eliminated by the hundreds and setting a new record !! (Wu Xiaozhen outdoors, LIZARD, IGUANA)

The number of green iguanas in Erlinxi in Changhua has increased rapidly. Dragon hunters have come here to capture more than a hundred of them, setting a new record. Regarding the professional skills of the netizen “Wu Xiaozhen”, Changhua County Department of Agriculture found out I was very impressed and said that I would take the initiative to contact the family and hope that the two parties will cooperate to help the Society of Changhua County Wild Birds tasked with eliminating the green iguana more effectively and reducing damage to crops.

The number of green iguanas in Taiwan has skyrocketed and the Erlin River in Changhua County has also suffered. After being invaded by exotic green iguanas, they reproduce quickly. Many farmers have headaches but they have no solution. The Board of Agriculture has announced that the US green iguanas are harmful to foreign Species, the removal operation began. Netizen “Wu Xiaozhen”, whose real name is Wu Hongzhe, recently brought his wife and two children from high school to bring his own slingshot.

A few days ago, a family of four brought a slingshot to Erlinxi, Changhua. In one day, hundreds of green iguanas were taken, among them more than 60 juveniles, 41 adults and adults; compared to the previous ones in Chiayi and Pingtung. The region’s results are more fruitful, breaking the last record of a family. The video has been viewed and viewed more than 70,000 times on the YouTube platform. Many people admire and want to learn, praise the “good eyes” of the family and all “marksman”.

Wu Hongzhe said he was completely out of the position to actively and spontaneously eliminate alien species, and took his family to take advantage of the holidays to go out to catch the green iguana. He and his wife Xiaozhen have jobs during the week, and he emphasized that this is not a commission nor is it impossible. Earn money without bonuses or any kind of subsidy. In front of acidic people who question inhumanity or illegality, he said that he had consulted with lawyers and that they were legally removed in the wild with professional tools such as gloves and slingshot.

The hunted green iguanas were tied up and lined up. It was like a group of little dinosaurs in the movie “Jurassic Park.” It was amazing and spectacular. Wu Hongzhe said that most of them were humanely executed and buried at random. , To avoid causing secondary public hazards and territorial charges, and to ask the public to take the initiative to join and eliminate the ranks.

He emphasized that in many Central and South American countries, the green iguana was originally one of the meat products. A lot of information about post-catch food can be found on the internet, but the acceptance of food in Taiwan is not high yet. Also Reminded If trapped in a clean area with no water or heavy metal contamination, it is recommended that it be thoroughly cooked to a high temperature before eating to reduce parasite concerns. The plucked lizard skin is also cooked in a thick chewing gum for the dogs to enjoy.

The Changhua Department of Agriculture noted that the number of green iguanas left in the wild for more than a decade has skyrocketed and damaged farmers’ orchards and peanut fields. The Department of Agriculture has entrusted the Changhua County Wild Bird Society to assist in the removal and will contact Wu Zhehong’s family for assistance. Learn from the experience and work together to “eliminate” the green iguana.

Xie Menglin, president of the society, said that green iguanas are herbivorous, but large and terrifying in appearance, when they are adults they will be aggressive if they feel threatened and will be abandoned. The key point of the elimination process is not to disturb the green iguana, to prevent the breed from fleeing and spreading.

Xie Menglin pointed out that the green iguana is polygamous. The “big male lizard” is in mature heat and likes to take the risk of standing on a visible platform and waiting for the female lizard to actively mate; Members’ observations found that the iguana is regional and likes to nest. The nest area will only spread out unless the group cannot accommodate it. The current removal method is to sit and wait for the rabbits after finding the male lizard, first catching the lizards waiting to mate, and finally catching the male lizard on the extension platform.

(During the middle)
