Don’t be too quick to drop the pot! “2-Step” Hard Boiled Eggs: Tender, Delicious, and Easy to Peel | New | NOWnews Today News


Don’t be too quick to drop the pot! “2-Step” Hard Boiled Eggs: Tender, Delicious, and Easy to Peel | New | NOWnews Today News

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Don’t be too quick to drop the pot! “2-Step” Hard Boiled Eggs: Tender, Delicious, and Easy to Peel

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-12-20 00:00:22

▲ Many people can boil soft-boiled eggs, which are nutritious and delicious, but doing 2 steps before boiling can make the eggs soft, tender, delicious, and easy to peel.  (Schematic diagram, taken from unsplash)
▲ Many people can boil soft-boiled eggs, which are nutritious and delicious, but doing 2 steps before boiling can make the eggs soft, tender, delicious, and easy to peel. (Schematic diagram, taken from unsplash)

Eggs can often be seen in many dishes, including hard-boiled eggs that are easy to cook without losing nutrition are the choice of many people. But how do you cook hard-boiled eggs to make them more delicious and easy to peel? As long as these “2 steps” are done before cooking, hard-boiled eggs will be delicious and easy to peel!

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According to a “” report from Lu Media, when hard-boiled eggs are cooked, it is more taboo to boil them directly, because as long as two more steps are added, the hard-boiled eggs will be tender and delicious and easy to peel! When boiling hard-boiled eggs, prepare fresh eggs, water, and white vinegar, because most people store eggs directly in the refrigerator, but because the temperature is low, put them in clean water before boiling. Let it soak for a while to keep the temperature of the egg and the water the same.

▲ It only takes 2 steps to make the hard-boiled eggs more tender, delicious and easy to peel.  (Schematic, taken from
▲ It only takes 2 steps to make the hard-boiled eggs more tender, delicious and easy to peel. (Schematic diagram, taken from Pixabay)

Then put the eggs in the pot and start cooking. While cooking, add a little white vinegar so not only will the eggs cook quickly, but the eggs will also be easy to peel. This is because white vinegar contains an acidic substance that can soften the calcium in the eggshell; adding a little white vinegar can also make the boiled egg softer and more delicious.

Just make good use of these 2 steps, “Soak the eggs in clean water first」、「Add white vinegar to water when cooking eggs.“The egg only needs to be boiled for another 8-10 minutes, and it is already cooked, and can be peeled directly with a light blow, so that when it goes down, the peeled egg no longer breaks, but a whole hard-boiled egg. ( Publisher: Guo Peirong)

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