Dominating is not just Jiang Wanan! The Blue Committee shocked Chen Shizhong “to contract this disease” Myrrh Doctor-Politics-China Times News


Kuomintang legislator Zheng Zhengqian posted a photo on Facebook.  (Photo / Taken from Zheng Zhengqian Facebook)
Kuomintang legislator Zheng Zhengqian posted a photo on Facebook. (Photo / taken from Zheng Zhengqian Facebook)

Jiang Wanan, a Kuomintang lawmaker who serves as the Health and Environmental Protection Committee of the Legislative Yuan, raised the issue of meat labeling in the 15th question. Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong clapped his hands at the table enthusiastically, accusing him of “cheating”, which made Chen difficult to stop and frankly said that also “There is no way to identify whether the processed products contain lysine. Legislator Zheng Zhengqian from the same party also he criticized Chen for “Official Doctor of Cancer and Myrrh.” He believed that since the DPP government announced the opening of the import of Merai pigs, Chen had changed his mind, but “wrong words” and “nonsense” also appeared. ” Talk “,” duplicity “and other diseases that” will be cured after giving up “

The male god is dominant and roars at the god of war Jiang Wanan. “In reverse of time”, everyone is cheating.

Zheng Zhengqian posted a post on Facebook yesterday (16), saying bluntly: “Since the DPP government announced the opening of importing Merai pigs, Chen Shizhong has changed his mind, but he also has various diseases.” Zheng noted: “Weifu Minister in 2017. Chen Shizhong said:” I cannot open imports due to political considerations. The Ministry of Health Service has this waist and can be lifted. “

In 2020, Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong said: “The opening of the import of American pigs containing lysate will change Taiwan’s international status. From 2017 to 2020, Chen Shizhong did not change his position, but changed his mind. “

Zheng Zhengqian further noted, “In addition to the symptoms of ‘The preface is incorrect and the last sentence,” Chen Shizhong, who has changed his mind, often forgets what he said today. For example, in an interview with a radio show , said: “Open the American pigs can make Taiwan international” state “, a few days later, in an interview with a television show, said:” We will not sacrifice food security for international status. ” Zheng believes: “More than that, Chen Shizhong’s” duplicity “symptoms have also become more and more serious. For the residual lysate. Tolerance, he said,” Taiwan’s standards should be more stringent than international standards. Feel free to bet on a black hat if you are not defending. “However, the unit tolerance standard is not the Codex ppb standard but rather ppm, which equals 0.01ppm. 10 ppb, but the test is rounded and the standard rounded to ppm is more flexible than the international standard. “

Furthermore, Zheng Zhengqian emphasized, “What is even worse is that Chen Shizhong also showed symptoms of ‘nonsense’. He said, ‘The accuracy of lean meat is not very good, but now ractopamine is relatively good. It contains ractopamine There is no risk to Meizhu’s food safety, and it will not be a problem to eat for several lifetimes. “He even said that eating pig testicles will make you smart. But if you were asked to take the initiative to try to eat lean pigs for 3 months, he said, “No problem! But! I have three maximums. “

Zheng Zhengqian said sarcastically: “Although Chen Shizhong said,” Taiwan has a good temperament and our temperament can beat the virus. “But Chen Shizhong is really regrettable. His illness is” Official doctor in cancer and myrrh. “However, he resigned. It will be OK.”

(Zhongshi News Network)
