Does Upper Secondary School Shift At 9:30 AM Drowning Network Opening “Counter-System”: Students Get Up Early | New | NOWnews Today News


High school changed at 9:30 am Drowning of open network “counter”: students wake up early | New | NOWnews Today News

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High school changed at 9:30? Drowning of the “counter system” that opens the network: students get up early

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-26 17:23:43

▲ Many national high school students attend classes according to the school schedule.  (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)
▲ On the participation platform of the Public Policy Network, a few days ago, a proposal was raised to “change the school hours of national secondary schools from 9:30 to 5:00”, which sparked a heated debate between pros and cons. (Diagram / taken from Pixabay)

A few days ago, on the participation platform of the Public Policies Network, it was proposed to “change the school hours of national schools from 9:30 to 5:00”, the joint signature exceeded 7,855 people in 10 days, and the The news was also controversial. Some netizens immediately launched a “counter signature” on the platform, asking students to “get up early.”

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The controversial proposal to “change the class schedule of national and secondary schools from 9:30 to 5:00”, the content of the proposal is “Generally, students do not get enough sleep, and many times they fall asleep during the This is expected to delay class time and allow students to read. Efficiency doubles, class is no longer easy to fall asleep, energy is better, and reading efficiency is higher. ”This proposal was online for about 10 days on the platform and the second threshold was reached. Currently, we just have to wait for the response from the relevant authorities. The deadline is before February 23 next year.

▲ Some netizens started a counter-signature:
▲ Some netizens started a counter-signature: “The class schedule should not be changed for high school students”, the content is “The common reason why students do not sleep is not for the first hours of class, but for personal reasons “. (Image / Review of the public policy network participation platform)

Subsequently, some people immediately launched a counter-signature: “The school hours of high school students should not be changed,” whose content is “The common reason for students’ lack of sleep is not that school hours are too early. Eight to ninety percent of students must go to bed late for personal reasons. Tired, “and believe that” letting students know their duty not to sleep later. The looser the rules, the lower the self-control of students and more will not be able to fulfill their duties to have a far-reaching impact ”.

Many people also commented in the comments below, “Delaying school hours only delays children’s sleep time”, “If we want to solve the general problem of lack of sleep among students, it is better to abolish the lifting ceremony of the flag and “You are late”, “Many students use intensive school as a shield, but have you ever thought that intensive school is not compulsory? What you should do is communicate with your parents, not propose to postpone class hours. “

However, there are still students fighting downstairs, “Taiwan is not the strongest in the class for so long,” “If it weren’t for too much school work and too much homework, would we go to bed late? Please take a lot of exams of homework and warn one if they do not run out. If they cheat you, who takes the risk “,” Foreigners will always study less than us, but there will always be more successful people than me and more achievements than us. Reading is very important, but only Taiwanese can read. ” Class time will only leave students physically and mentally exhausted and unable to attend classes. “(Editor: Pan Yi)

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