Does Trump Desperately Want Votes Impeachment Again? High Media From Democratic Party Fire Proclamation Ceremony-International-China Times


The American media revealed that Trump called for pressure on Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger) and found enough votes to bring him back, causing the betrayal of all walks of life, and the popularity of the Democratic Party exploded. Some congressmen pointed out that Trump’s measure was constituted. Regarding their impeachment criteria, some congressmen announced that they would propose a motion at the fourth local time to convict Trump and ask Trump to resign immediately.

Trump was kicked and pressured to call Joe State’s secretary of state to find enough votes to reverse the election. He Jinli, the vice president-elect of the United States, criticized the naked abuse of power.

The Washington Post announced on the 3rd that Trump called Brad Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger). During the hour-long call, Trump questioned and threatened Raffensperger. “Find” 11,780 votes and let him reverse the Qiaozhou election results.

After Trump’s pressure call came to light, he unleashed offensives from all walks of life. The British “Daily Mail” reported that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was on the platform yesterday for the Democratic nominee running in Senator Joe Shi’s by-election said Trump’s voice in the audio file revealed his determination to break the ship. He denounced the phone call as a manifest abuse of power by the President of the United States.

Trump’s pressure also infuriated Democratic congressmen. New York State Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) yesterday denounced Trump’s pressure on Ravensberg’s call as a crime of impeachment. If you can decide, you will soon make a proposal.

However, Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson went further. He tweeted yesterday announcing that he would be proposing a “motion to condemn” on Monday local time, formally condemning Trump. He described the call as a violation of state and federal laws and was excited. Call to “Trump should resign now”.

The report noted that the “conviction” of the House of Representatives does not actually have binding legal force, but is the highest form of official conviction that the House of Representatives can offer the president in addition to the impeachment case.

The US Sun reported that The Boston Globe columnist Michael Cohen stated that Trump really should be charged because of this phone call. He said impeachment can prevent Sichuan. Pu Future is again seeking an official position. “China Post” columnist Jennifer Rubin posted a tweet, succinctly asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “improve it again.”

文章 來源 : THE ACCUSED STATE? NeverTrump Republicans and Democrats Demand NEW Impeachment of Trump Over Georgia Call While Pelosi Is Re-elected Spokesperson
文章 來源 : ‘The Voice of Despair’: Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Criticizes Trump, AOC Leads Calls for Impeachment, and Rep. Hank Johnson Says POTUS Should Resign After Her Leaked Phone Call Calling on the Republican Secretary of State from Georgia to ‘find’ votes

(Zhongshi News Network)
