Does the vice president have the power to revoke the election? Pence personally told Trump the truth-International-China Times News


Since the defeat of the elections and the successive defeats of the electoral litigation, Trump has focused on the choice of the Electoral College vote. In addition to advocating for Republican congressmen, he will overthrow the Electoral College won by Biden when Congress authenticates the Electoral College votes. Piao also asked Vice President Pence, who served as the ceremonial host at the time, to “stop Hu” Biden and certify his victory. However, according to sources cited by The New York Times and CNN, Pence has personally indicated to Trump that Biden has no right to prevent Biden from winning the election as long as the electoral college votes he won are certified by Congress.

Although Trump pressured Vice President Pence to reject Biden’s Electoral College vote on the certification of the electoral vote, Pence has personally indicated to Trump that he has no right to do so.

The report noted that the report noted that Trump, who has repeatedly claimed the election was stolen, has stepped up pressure on Pence. Not only did he say on Twitter that “the vice president has the right to reject selected electoral college votes from fraudulent elections,” but he also warned, “If Biden is not prevented from being certified as the new president of the United States, this will be significant political damage to him. ” However, when Pence had lunch with the president on the 5th, he had privately told Trump that when Congress authenticated the electoral college votes, throughout the process, he did not have the power to allow himself to “derail the performance” to reduce Las Trump’s expectations of him.

The report said that even so, a source said that even if Trump infuses the allegations of voter fraud, Pence can still declare his support for Trump’s actions against the elections; A senior Trump adviser said Pence could also take a tougher-than-expected stance, thinking the vice president will avoid overly mechanical performance so as not to anger Trump and his political base. “After all, he doesn’t want to be a flower on the wall in the future.”

However, the aide noted that Pence is unlikely to change the “ceremonial” role given to him by the Constitution when Congress certifies Electoral College votes. He will claim that he has no right to do so, even if the vice president wants to try. This is the only thing that is expected to explain the powers that the Constitution gives him, in order to calm Trump’s emotions of losing the election.

However, Trump issued a statement through the campaign team, rebutting the New York Times report as fake news, saying “I agree with Peng Sitong.” “Under the Constitution, our Vice President has many options, including that he can allow the Electoral College The certification of the ticket is invalidated and sent to the original state for recertification; he can also invalidate the certification of those illegal and corrupt election results and send them from return to the House of Representatives. “

文章 來源 : Pence is said to have told Trump that he has no power to change the election result

(Zhongshi News Network)
