Do you remember Ying Sicong in “With Evil”? Lin Wei talks about police killings: we are not far from evil | Society | Sanli News Net SETN.COM


Lai Yupin Social Center / Report

In July last year, a brave policeman, Li Chenghan, was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife by a passenger with the surname Zheng to deal with the Taiwan Railways ticket evasion dispute. Finally, he was hospitalized and shocked the entire Taiwanese. The first trial was launched yesterday (30). “Mental problems” were found not to be guilty of dyslexia, leading to heated discussion. In this regard, Lin Wei, a student in the UK who had asked Tan Desai to apologize in English, wrote on Facebook to ask everyone to understand well before speaking. Mental illness can prevent the next regret. A

▲ Li Chenghan, a brave policeman, was violently stabbed in the abdomen by a male passenger with the last name Zheng in July last year to deal with the Taiwan Rail Ticket Evasion dispute. (Image / data photo)

On July 3 last year, a brave 25-year-old policeman, Li Chenghan, was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife by a male passenger named Zheng to deal with the ticket evasion dispute. Although he was seriously injured in the current body, he still tried to contact the suspect to ensure the safety of the remaining passengers. Fighting, the final ransom was invalid, but unexpectedly, the verdict was issued yesterday. Zheng Su was found not guilty of suffering a mental disorder from “mental disorder”, and successfully paid 500,000 yuan for the insurance, sparking a heated argument. A

“Do you still remember Ying Sicong?” Lin Wei said on Facebook today that the popular drama “Distance Between Us and Evil” last year introduced stories of different roles in society into the hearts of the audience. In history, there is no right or wrong that can be explained without a dualistic method. Each character has multiple aspects. It seems to be closer to us in real life. ”

▲ In “The distance between us and evil”, Ying Sicong (right) and his sister Ying Siyue (left), who suffer from dyslexia. (Image / provided by PTV)

Referring to yesterday’s verdict, Lin Wei wanted to talk about the use of words and attitudes when faced with mental illness and patients. He cited the role in the play as an example. Ying Sicong, who suffers from dyslexia, never felt bad about the treatment. They eventually coexist with the disease, and Ying Sicong’s sister Ying Siyue is loath to become the younger brother’s greatest support. This process is not only the story of “Ying Sicong”, but also the true experience of many patients and their family friends. . A

Lin Wei noted that in recent years, mental health and mental illness have become increasingly popular in Taiwan, “I always think it is a good and very exciting phenomenon,” but whenever there are social cases, the whole effort seems go back to the original point again: “The judgment of a case, whether it is in line with public opinion and public opinion, never means that the same will not happen again, or that the deficiencies that still existed at this time have been resolved”. . A

▲▲ Lin Wei, a Taiwanese student who once asked Tan Desai to apologize in English. (Photo / Photo taken from Facebook)

Finally, Lin Wei appealed that if someone also sheds tears over the Ying Sicong story, and once he saw and resonated with the “Evil” story, he should understand the cause of the mental illness and its cause before playing the keyboard. Therapeutic and cultivate awareness and sensitivity to mental states. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to build a hug of support together, and also have the opportunity to promote the improvement of related support systems and safety nets. “Don’t let the same things happen. It broke your heart and the trust of society again. The distance between us and evil is not so far away. ” A
