Do you really want to scold the government? Lu Qiuyuan: Is it good to change the KMT to prevent the epidemic? | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Li Hongdian / Taipei Report

The in-hospital cluster infection at the Taoyuan Ministry Hospital has caused people to pay more attention to the epidemic. Lawyer Lu Qiuyuan said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the country has been fighting on two sides, on the one hand against the plague and on the other against certain domestic people. “Frankly speaking, in the parallel universe of Taiwan, I can freely go to work, work, relax and entertain, come and go shopping, without curfews, closures, collapse of the medical system, etc., for this government, the compatriots they work together, and all medical staff are full of respect. “

▲ Taoyuan Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Taoyuan Hospital The cluster case of Wuhan pneumonia hospitals is expanded. The entire hospital implements measures such as the entry and exit of patients, the cancellation of visits, the restriction of a single person to accompany the patient and the requirement of real name systems. (Photo / Central News Agency)

Lu Qiuyuan posted on Facebook this morning (19) that since the outbreak of the epidemic, this country has been fighting on two sides, on the one hand against the plague and on the other against certain domestic people. The plague is difficult to prevent, but these strange situations are even more difficult to prevent, and are often referred to as “freedom of speech”, “freedom of the press”, “otherwise”, “political persecution”, “exclusion Dissidents “,” I’m good for Taiwan too. ” “And so on. Wait, the problem has never been freedom. Taiwan is very free. The problem is whether the consciousness and the brain are being used. Has it nothing to do with freedom?

Do you really want to tell it? Starting with the masks, when there were not enough masks, some people asked for Taiwanese masks to be opened for use in China, and when they were enough, some criticized that they were too expensive, they should not charge for shipping and they should not make as many masks. When a manufacturer mistakes inferior masks, some people come out to support it, saying it is persecution. When it comes to the absence of local cases, some people say the card is hidden and the government hides the facts. They then asked for a blanket review, regardless of the huge amount of funds being wasted, and the problem of false negatives and false positives will be ignored, leading to social panic and disaster.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, it is to open the tourism bubble with China, so that Taiwanese businessmen can reunite with their families without being isolated for 14 days. Administering vaccines is unsuccessful and unavailable, or praises China’s top-tier vaccine. Once there are small loopholes in the epidemic, the media will join the flames, direct the news headlines and even distort the facts, whether it is “the community infection is about to appear” , “hospital infections are spreading” and “medical staff are lazy.” It’s frightening. Chen Shizhong can’t say anything wrong, but even if he doesn’t say anything wrong or makes a mistake, his explanation will be expanded. For example, he said, “The development of the epidemic is a bit worrying,” and the media will remove the “point” and turn it into “concern.” “.

Lu Qiuyuan pointed out, okay, do you really want to scold the government so much? This is fine too. So we changed the KMT to prevent and stop the epidemic, okay? What do you think of the export of masks from Taiwan, the import of Chinese masks, the application of Chinese vaccines, the use of Chinese reagents for universal detection and the opening of border controls with China?

This really isn’t “all China should oppose”, but it should let science and facts rule it all, okay? How many people are currently diagnosed in Taiwan? Is the mask not enough? Did all daily life go on? Yes, that means that the government and all the people have achieved success in preventing epidemics, otherwise what do you want? Especially the medical staff, what do you want to do to them?

Now some people are trying to vindicate Yang Zhiliang, thinking that his front-line medical staff has begun to relax. If he’s the dean, he should be kicked out of the doctor. Lu Qiuyuan said, but would you like to ask those who agree with Yang Zhiliang, do they have a longer slack in their life? I wear a mask all the time when I go out, I disinfect immediately when I enter, I maintain social distancing every time I go and I wash my hands from time to time, right? You did this? Even if there is, the medical personnel who are on the battlefield every day should not be criticized, much less not. Your daily routine is the usual because someone saves lives in the hospital every day. What a shame to criticize these workers who wear masks and full protective clothing for more than eight hours a day? Now that the battle is not over, the wind has changed and the medical personnel are not serious enough. What the hell is this? Even if the soldier accidentally has a gap between the helmet and the bulletproof vest and is hit by a bullet, do you still have to curse the soldier for fun?

This battle has been fought for a year and no one would want to deliberately get sick and cause problems for others and for themselves. Faced with such an unknown infectious disease, everyone is learning and adapting. Three-year-olds can distinguish between well-intentioned suggestions and malicious criticism. If there are shortcomings, welcome to the frontline combat study or give authorities a better brainstorming. However, if you just want to humiliate Chen Shizhong, or collapse the morale of Taiwan’s epidemic prevention, or even use it as a political tool for profit, most people can see it.

Lu Qiuyuan also said that, frankly speaking, in the parallel universe of Taiwan, “I can go to work, leisure and entertainment, go in and out of shopping freely, without curfews, closings, collapse of the medical system, etc., for this government and the people who work together, And all the medical staff are full of respect. Thank you so that I can still spend the New Year with peace of mind. “
