Do not apologize? The mindless drug is 250 times more poisonous than ecstasy, Su Weishuo retracted |


Political Center / Full Report

The government will open up pork imports from the U.S. next year, but pork laced with ractopamine may also enter. Although domestic importers with a market share of more than 80% have declared that they will not import American pigs, the private alliance against lean pork, psychiatry Doctor Su Weishuo also alleged in the media that, in addition to being Harmful to humans, high school can be 250 times more toxic than ecstasy, and that bleach can be inhaled after breathing. However, Su Weishuo was discovered earlier and even posted a PO post on Facebook. Also modify your statement!

▲ Su Weishuo’s Facebook post PO was renamed which says Laiji’s toxicity is a quarter that of ecstasy (image / data photo, taken from Dr. Su Weishuo’s Facebook 543)

Su Weishuo published a long article on Facebook PO earlier, but strangely, he said: “Articles published in 2017 by international academic circles from Canada, UK, Russia, Switzerland, etc. collected historical data on humans and animals. According to the Based on the data in this article, the EC50 of ractopamine functional activity (toxicity) in TAAR1 in mice is 250 times that of MDMA ecstasy! ”At the end of the article, some sentences were suddenly added:“ After reviewing The article by experts commissioned by the Food and Drug Administration, was found The article mistakenly implanted the data from the original literature, so the functional activity (toxicity) EC50 of ractopamine in TAAR1 in mice should be a quarter of the MDMA of ecstasy. ” His Weishuo originally called ecstasy 250 times, and now it has been reduced to 4 ecstasy points. First, it also surprised everyone by the influence and damage of false information on the national public opinion.

▲ Su Weishuo’s Facebook post PO was renamed because Laiji’s toxicity is a quarter that of ecstasy (photo / back of Su Weishuo’s Facebook)

The Retirees Association also issued a press release yesterday (18) stating that Su Weishuo used to be the treating physician in the psychiatry department of the Kaohsiung Rong Tainan General Branch. Last year, he violated conventions and disciplines and used verbal violence against his colleagues, thus damaging the reputation of the hospital and medical staff. The unit is harmonious, resulting in the loss of doctors, and no psychiatrist is willing to come to the hospital to provide support services, risking suspension from the psychiatric department. Furthermore, he has repeatedly published false articles in the media that defame the hospital and damage the image of public servants. He has accumulated two major and one minor penalties. The annual performance review is listed as “Ding,” and this year he will be removed in accordance with the law.

The advisory committee emphasized that Su Weishuo is not a doctor at Kaohsiung Rong General Hospital, and his outside comments have nothing to do with the advisory committee and the chairman. The advisory committee urges all parties, the media and the general public not to cite or republish such unprofessional background and scientific assurance. According to the statement. Regarding the online video, “General Doctor Rong” alleges Su Weishuo, and the advisory committee also urges the producer of the video to make corrections as soon as possible and refrain from citing incorrect information for release.
