Delivery drink spilled without lid! She saw “1 move” delivery staff crying warmly: too much New | NOWnews Today News


Delivery drink spilled without lid! She saw “1 move” delivery staff crying warmly: too much | New | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Editorial Center / General Report

2021-02-10 22:17:27

▲ The original purchase order called for beverage delivery, but one of the beverages was not properly covered and was accidentally spilled on the way.  (Schematic diagram, the characters in the picture have nothing to do with the content of the article / reproduced from
▲ The original purchase order called for beverage delivery, but one of the beverages was not properly covered and was accidentally spilled on the way. (Schematic diagram, the characters in the image have nothing to do with the content of the article / reproduced from “Banggu Commune” and “pixabay)

In recent years, food delivery platforms have increased. People just need to move their fingers to surf the internet at home to deliver food to their doorstep. In this regard, some netizens shared that they ordered 3 drinks for delivery, but one of them tipped over because the lid was not properly closed. She originally wanted to say okay, but delivery staff delivered 3 drinks after 2 hours. The new drink moved her greatly, and the post also sparked a heated discussion.

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The original PO stated in the “Guilty Complaint Commune” that there was a meeting as usual that day, so she ordered a delivery drink, but the delivery staff continued to apologize to her when she arrived because one of the drinks was not covered properly and accidentally spilled halfway. When I walked out, I wasn’t expecting the delivery staff to not only enthusiastically help her contact customer service, but to also say that she would make a drink. The original PO also immediately said: “It doesn’t matter, the delivery platform will refund me the money for a drink, don’t spend money buying it.”

▲ Delivery staff showed up at the clinic door with three glasses of new drinks over two hours later.  (Image / Obtained from
▲ Delivery staff showed up at the clinic door with three glasses of new drinks over two hours later. (Image / Obtained from “Booming Complaint Commune”)

Two hours later, the delivery man appeared at the clinic entrance braving the wind and rain, with three new drinks in hand. The original PO immediately asked, “Do you pay for it?” I wanted to replace it if He had one. As a result, the delivery staff said “No”, and left immediately in the next second. She couldn’t help but say, “Thanks for warming up the cold weather. It’s too much.” Many netizens responded after watching, “It’s too hot”, “I feel like there will be development outside the plot”, “Do you want to deal with it? Get over it”, “Suggestion”, “Not even my husband. It’s weird to know if it’s so loving. “” It’s too much. If I know you, I’ll definitely give a tip “,” In fact, I want to see you one more time “,” How can there be such kind and warm people in this society? ” (Edit: Xu Zhichao)

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