Delivery at 3 am! Zhengmei Panda tragically received “530 1 yuan”, but got cold after counting | New | NOWnews Today News


Delivery at 3 am! Zhengmei Panda tragically received “530 1 yuan”, but got cold after counting | New | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Editorial Center / General Report

2021-01-03 11:43:02

▲ The casting staff again sparked controversy.  (Photo / Review of the second room of the Explosive Commune)
▲ Netizens shared their story of meeting Qihake during the 3 a.m. delivery. (The schematic diagram is not the part involved / the second room of the Explosive Waste Commune)

In recent days, affected by the strong air conditioning group, many people do not want to go out to buy food, they will use the convenient delivery APP to order food, but recently, a female delivery person shared that she went out with a low temperature at 3 in the tomorrow. As a result, after arriving, he received a full 1 yuan bag from the customer, asking him to stand in the cold wind for 30 minutes to count coins.

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The original PO posted a post on the Facebook group “Keelung People” that “there was a low temperature of more than 12 degrees at three in the morning yesterday, and an order for 540 yuan was delivered. After arriving at the designated place , called the customer. The customer said he would wait. ” Considering that guests must dress well before going downstairs to collect food, I also agreed directly. “” But then I saw two drunken little children downstairs to carry food, but they were not bills, but a whole bag of one yuan . I was really dumbfounded at the time. I just silently counted under the low temperature. One yuan coin for 30 minutes, it turned out to be only 530 yuan … “This situation made the original police officer feel cold and said,” It is not the weather, but the behavior of these two people, which makes me suspect that I want to serve. Does the original intention of the Keelung people change? “

▲ A netizen shared that when she was delivered at three in the morning, she received a full package of one yuan coins, which made her count for thirty minutes in the cold wind.  (Keelung photo / people from Facebook group)
▲ A netizen shared that when she was delivered at three in the morning, she received a full package of one yuan coins, which made her count for thirty minutes in the cold wind. (Keelung photo / people from Facebook group)

As soon as the post came out, netizens responded, “The point is, there is still less after the calculation is done. It sucks,” “When you finish counting the noodles, you will serve the food. Let everyone relax together. “,” It’s too exaggerated, don’t play tricks like this. “Folks”, “If it was me, I’d take it off. I don’t care if I have a small amount and when I feel bad “,” Some people think that spending money is the boss and they do not care about the feelings of others. “Tips will be given for cold delivery.” (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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