Danshui is surprised to see “take off and landing of private helicopters”, the Civil Aviation Administration confirms a maximum fine of 300,000 for infractions-ETtoday News Cloud


  1. Danshui is surprised to see “private helicopters take off and land”, the Civil Aviation Administration confirms that the maximum fine is 300,000 per offense
  2. Danshui is shocked by the Civil Aviation Administration of Private Helicopters: The maximum fine of 300,000 yuan is determined for violating the site. Free Times Newsletter
  3. Danhai New Town was surprised to see the helicopter flying down the paved road and still carrying passengers @ 东森新闻 CH51 东森新闻 CH51
  4. Private Tamsui helicopter takes off and lands at will, Civil Aviation Administration confirms violation of law and will fine UDN United News Network
  5. Where did they fly? The “helicopter” took off and landed in Tamsui New Town, TVBS NEWS
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report