Craziest Nail Households Refused to Move in! Severely Suffocating “No 1.3 Billion Won’t Move” Tragedy Ends After 18 Years | New | NOWnews Today News


Craziest Nail Households Refused to Move in! Severely Stifling “Not 1.3 Billion Won’t Move” Tragedy Ends in 18 Years | New | NOWnews Today

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NOWnews Today's News

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-29 15:19:04

Nail house
▲ In 2002, a well-known landlord in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, trusted his geographic advantage and refused to move. The Lions even asked the builder for “300 million yuan (about NT $ 1.29 billion) in compensation” before agreeing to leave. (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)

In response to urban development plans in many modern cities, many places have undergone urban renewal, but are more afraid of encountering “key households” in the process! In 2002, there was a landlord in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, who relied on geographic advantages and refused to move. Now, 18 years later, the owner’s result is immediately revealed.

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According to Lu media reports, in 2002, mainland builders planned to carry out plans in Luohu district, Shenzhen. They were even willing to give each household 1 million yuan (about 4.3 million Taiwanese dollars) in compensation. Most of the residents also chose to cooperate. However, due to the superior location, one owner was dissatisfied with the compensation price offered by the builder and refused to move in.

▲ The landlord is not satisfied with the compensation price, so he refuses to move out.  (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)
▲ The landlord is not satisfied with the compensation price, so he refuses to move out. (Photo / Flip photo on Weibo)

To speed up the project’s progress, the builder showed good will and offered compensation of 10 million yuan (about 45.3 million New Taiwan dollars), but the owner still refused, thinking that future appreciation should also be included. . A sky-high price of 300 million yuan (about 1,290 million New Taiwan dollars) was offered and the negotiation between the two parties broke down. Later, the builders also decided to bypass the “nail house” directly when developing the city, and for this reason they also specially redrawn the design drawings. The interesting thing is that after 18 years, the resident not only received no compensation, but was surrounded by a new building after his passing, and his house was old and looked dark and dilapidated in the new community, forming a stark contrast. . The photos were also hotly discussed by netizens from mainland China. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

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