Could Case 765 become Taiwan’s public enemy? The doctor sighed “No one dared to persuade him” to reveal aviation insider information again


Could Case 765 Become Taiwan’s Public Enemy? Doctor Sighs “No One Dares Persuade You” To Reveal Aviation Insider Information Again | Life | NOWnews Today News

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Could Case 765 become Taiwan’s public enemy? The doctor sighed, “No one dared to persuade him” to reveal aviation inside information

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-22 17: 15: 00 |2020-12-22 17:59:15

▲ The command center announced today (9) that the fall and winter epidemic prevention project has been implemented so far, and a total of 6 people, 10,000 each, have been fined.  (Photo / Airport, schematic diagram, profile photo from NOWnews)
▲ Taiwan has not broken any confirmed local cases for 253 consecutive days. Icu’s doctor, Chen Zhijin, is concerned that case 765 may “suddenly become Taiwan’s public enemy.” (Image / Associated Press / Image by Dazhi)

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (22) that a new domestic case (Case 771) was a contact from a foreign pilot from New Zealand in Case 765. This also led to 253 consecutive days of zero confirmed cases in Taiwan. Commander Chen Shizhong said at the press conference that during the investigation of the 765 case, the other party “has not been very cooperative” and the part of the plane that was not wearing a mask could not be fined. In this regard, Dr. Icu Chen Zhijin pointed out on Facebook that the key to Case 765 was the “pilot captain”, and also exposed the problems of epidemic prevention under the culture of the aviation industry.

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Recently, several cases of infection by pilots gathered in clusters, breaking Taiwan’s proud record of 253 consecutive days with no confirmed local cases. Commander Chen Shizhong pointed out at the press conference that Case 765 did not honestly report the activity history and contact history during the epidemic investigation, and that it has violated the “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law” and may be fined 60,000 to 300,000 yuan.

▲ The command center announced the traces of the New Zealand 765 foreign pilot. (Photo / provided by the command center)
▲ The command center announced the tracks of the 765 foreign pilots from New Zealand. (Photo / provided by the command center)

As for “no mask in the cabin”, it is difficult to impose fines. The main reason is that fines can only be issued “after persuasion”, but because case 765 is the captain, “there is no one to persuade him.” Case 760 and Case The two 766 pilots believed that the constant coughing in Case 765 was due to “the air being very dry,” so they did not persuade Case 765 to wear masks. Management measures for future flight crews will also be formulated in a stricter direction. Penalties for pilots departing during the independent health management period can only be reviewed and adjusted with the airlines.

In this regard, Icu’s doctor Chen Zhijin also worried on Facebook that case 765 could “suddenly become the public enemy of Taiwan.” Chen Zhijin analyzed that the key to this New Zealand pilot who did not wear a mask on the plane but was never persuaded was the identity of the captain, so “no one dared to persuade him.” I even regretted that CRM (Crew Resource Management) in the aviation industry is still difficult to break with the concept of class culture.

▲ (Image / Obtained from Facebook
▲ A New Zealand pilot cannot be punished for not wearing a mask on the plane. Doctor Chen Zhijin lamented the culture of the aviation industry that the “concept of class” is difficult to break. (Photo / Obtained from Facebook “Doctor Icu Chen Zhijin”)

Many netizens also angrily expressed: “The captain is not particularly good, it’s just a profession”, “I think the pilot is very bad”, “So I have to punish him harder! As a captain, do you trust the situation?” “But some netizens think that it is not entirely possible to count only the pilot.” Therefore, all crew members must strictly administer their quarantine at home for 14 days. “” The airlines have not implemented sanctions for airlines. “Stronger regulations.”

Further,EVA Air also responded earlier and stated that it will cooperate fully with the Central Epidemic Command Center to conduct epidemic investigations. Recently, the company has carried out comprehensive internal and aircraft disinfection; In connection with the captain’s violation of the relevant epidemic prevention regulations, and evaded and hindered the investigation of the epidemic, the company An investigation committee and a disciplinary committee will be convened, and the violation will be dismissed.(Editor: Yang Zhijie)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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