Coughed to death victory speech Biden admitted the disease


Biden frequently coughed and cleared his throat in his first speech after the Electoral College voted and confirmed his victory on the 14th, raising concerns about his health.

Biden coughed frequently and cleared his throat in his first speech after the Electoral College confirmed his victory on the 14th, scaring the public if he had the new coronary pneumonia. Later that day he confirmed that he was battling a cold, but emphasized that it was only a mild cold.

On the 14th, polling stations from every state in the United States voted to confirm Biden’s victory and enter the White House. In the first speech after the official confirmation of victory, Biden spoke in a hoarse voice, frequent throat clearing and coughing, causing the American people to “scare He’s broken”, worrying about whether he has COVID-19.

According to Fox News, in the video with supporters after the speech, Biden acknowledged that he was “battling a cold” but emphasized that it was only a “mild” cold.

“Thank you, I have a little cold and I’m sorry,” Biden said, but immediately changed the subject and thanked people for their support. “But look, you did it. It’s not a joke. This election is like me. At the age of 29, I believe that ordinary people can work together to achieve it.

According to a report from The US Sun, Biden frequently cleared his throat during his speech Monday, prompting netizens to worry about his deteriorating health. Some netizens asked him: “Drink some water, Joe, you scare us.” Yes ”. Some people also suggested that you get a new coronavirus test.

However, some netizens pointed out that Biden had a relapse of his old illness, noting that he had gastroesophageal reflux, causing him to “clear his throat frequently.”

Fox News noted that in recent weeks, Biden and his deputy, Kamala Harris, have been regularly tested for the new coronavirus. Biden’s last test was on day 11 and the test result was negative.

文章 來源 : IN THE WEATHER Joe Biden admits he has a cold after coughing during the Electoral College victory speech leaves viewers worried he has COVID
文章 來源 : Biden admits to having a ‘little cold’ after Electoral College victory speech

(Zhongshi News Network)
