Constantly updated “The steps of a doctor infected with the epidemic revealed that Taoyuan Starbucks and Zhenyu Hardware stores closed for disinfection-Life-Zhongshi


The All-Union Luzhu Dazhu store is temporarily closed due to inventory and disinfection of the stores.  (Photo by Jiang Fei)
The All-Union Luzhu Dazhu store is temporarily closed due to inventory and disinfection of the stores. (Photo by Jiang Fei)
The store said it will resume operations tomorrow.  (Photo by Jiang Fei)
The store said it will resume operations tomorrow. (Photo by Jiang Fei)

(Update at 15:30)

A hospital in the north was suspected of having nosocomial infection. Dajiang Mall and IKEA Taoyuan store announced the suspension of operations this morning. The Taimao Mall also announced at noon that it would close at 2 p.m. for disinfection operations. In addition, the Quanlian Luzhu Dazhu Store wellness center was also announced to be closed in the afternoon, and Starbucks and Zhenyu Hardware Store on Tao International Road were also closed for disinfection in the afternoon.

A male resident of a hospital in the north (Case 838) was unfortunately infected with the disease due to intubation and also infected his girlfriend in the same hospital (Case 839). Watching the doctor’s footsteps, he went to Starbucks on International Road in Taoyuan District from 8 to 9. Zhenyu Hardware, Coffee Shop and Hardware Store closed on the 12th for disinfection.

Starbucks released information about the suspension of operations in front of the direct access highway at noon, which prevented consumers from entering and leaving many nearby office workers. Zhenyu Ferretería also closed its business, the industry noted that last night it had received a notification of disinfection from the health unit, and today it was closed, but has not yet decided whether to continue its business tomorrow.

The infection spread in the north hospital, and the Taoyuan store was closed for disinfection.  The picture shows the IKEA Taoyuan store.  (Figure / Cut from Google Maps)
The infection spread in the north hospital, and the Taoyuan store was closed for disinfection. The picture shows the IKEA Taoyuan store. (Figure / Cut from Google Maps)
On the morning of the 12th, the IKEA Taoyuan store urgently announced that it would be temporarily closed for one day.  (Intercepted from IKEA Taoyuan store Facebook)
On the morning of the 12th, the IKEA Taoyuan store urgently announced that it would be temporarily closed for one day. (Intercepted from IKEA Taoyuan store Facebook)

The Luzhu Dazhu store at the All-Union Welfare Center stated that it is not open at the moment because the stores need to carry out inventory operations and full disinfection, but that they will resume normal activities tomorrow.

The Taimao Shopping Center previously announced that it will be open until 2:00 p.m. today to cooperate with the disinfection operation.  (Photo / photographed by reporter Jiang Fei)
The Taimao Shopping Center previously announced that it would be open until 2:00 p.m. today to collaborate with the disinfection operation. (Photo / photographed by reporter Jiang Fei)

After the Dajiang Mall announced its suspension of operations for one day in the morning, the IKIA Taoyuan store also published a “disinfection operation, suspension of operations” advertisement, which closed early at 11 am.

The picture shows the Dajiang Mall.  (Photo by Long Yiyun)
The picture shows the Dajiang Mall. (Photo by Long Yiyun)
Dajiang Mall and IKEA Taoyuan store announced the suspension of business for one day, and people panicked.  (Provided by Dajiang Mall / Fax by Lu Xiaochan Taoyuan)
Dajiang Mall and IKEA Taoyuan store announced the suspension of business for one day and people panicked. (Provided by Dajiang Mall / Faxed by Lu Xiaochan Taoyuan)

In addition, the Taimao Mall also posted a message on its official website early in the morning, in order to cooperate with the anti-epidemic measures of the Taoyuan City Health Bureau, implement comprehensive disinfection operations in the museum and start closing at 2pm. The great action of the store to announce the suspension of operations caused Internet users to question whether it was related to the case of the northern hospital. Many commented “How is it so sudden?”, “It was too sudden” and “The case is not simple, not even Da Jiang”.

In this regard, the Dajiang Mall stated that in order to cooperate with the annual equipment maintenance and joint inspections, and at the same time carry out sanitation and disinfection operations before the end of the year, it will suspend business for one day. Regarding rumors that people suspected of being diagnosed with new crowns have visited, Da Jiang said he has not received relevant information. The IKEA Taoyuan store posted an announcement on its official Facebook page stating that it was temporarily closed due to the disinfection operation at the store. Netizens also left messages in response, saying that “the case is not simple” and that it is safer not to go to crowded places recently.

(During the middle)
