Coming! Happy events such as the reservoir flood discharge, “4 Chinese Zodiac” will become this year’s final winner | Entertainment Star News | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Taipei Report

Many people feel that the first half of the year has been very miserable and that their fortunes have reached the limit. After all the difficulties of the past, when should they know when they can make the decision? Eiffel, a well-known numerologist, noted on the “Tarot Teacher Eiffel” fan page that from now until the end of the year, there will be four signs of the zodiac with constant happy events and good luck.

▲ Eiffel noted that from now until the end of the year, there will be four signs of the zodiac with constant joy and good luck. (Image / recovered from unsplash)

Fourth place, Chinese zodiac pig
Your life in the first half of the year has been difficult and your fortunes have had ups and downs, but you cannot find a goal that can stabilize you. Fortunately, your own willpower is strong enough and you’ve been working hard, and now you’re not giving up lightly. So from now until the end of the year, your good fortune is about to unfold and all your active efforts will be rewarded. Under Sun Jixing’s blessing, even though you are still busy at work, he has also won a raise for you. Opportunities, allow you to win the peak of your career.

Regarding the relationship, you can take a new step with your favorite object. You can make more appointments to get to know each other better. If you get along, you can’t rule out talking about marriage at the end of the year. Singles can wear the five elements of gold jewelry, the thriving peach blossoms.

Third place, Chinese zodiac tiger
This year, the fierce tengu star came to commit the crime. The period before and after the June 21 eclipse was its lowest point of the year, but it finally passed it safely. There is a wave of changes before the end of the year. This is an opportunity for you to be successful. Stagecoach wants to bring you good luck, so whenever there is a “good turn” you should seize the opportunity. For example, due to business needs, you want to change your phone. , A new computer, which means that you want to improve your competitiveness, which is very useful for your professional promotion; If you want to move to a bigger house so that the family can live more comfortably, this will improve luck and family cohesion. The centripetal force of the family.

There are signs of sudden marriages in the relationship. Those who have the goal must take good care of them. Single people should go to places with water, which is good for peach blossoms.

Second place, ox of the Chinese zodiac
This year, a sick character and a fierce star came to upset the situation, leaving your health and your soul clouded with dust, and I always felt that I could do nothing to do anything, and I looked listless. Between now and the end of the year, your bad luck will disappear. Zi Chou Liuhe will come to make your fortune prosper and shed the heartbreaking days of the past. You are like receiving comfort. You can do anything. Make decisions quickly and accurately, and when in doubt, there will be noble people to help you, with the help of noble people, investing has a precise way of making money; the work is affirmed by the superiors, the race is getting better and better, let him walk. There is wind.

Regarding the relationship, you can get out of the deadlock and find the right person to stabilize you. If you want to take the order off, you can wear more red clothes and accessories for Yuelao to see you.

First place, serpent of the zodiac
In the first half of the year, he experienced “petty use” and “wicked theft”, so he was often intercepted in the middle of his work and business. It was like the business you originally ran at the company, and the leader suddenly asked you to take over. Or the company that you had agreed to sign suddenly became a hostile field, and there were countless bankruptcies, large and small, that made you miserable in the first half of the year. Fortunately, all the difficult things have passed. From this moment on, you will be very blessed by Ziweixing. All good things will come into your house. Your fortune will reach its peak. The villain next to you will retreat, the nobleman will appear and begin. Things are useful and easy.

As for relationships, someone will take the initiative to confess to you recently, and it turns out that he is the type you like, so you should take good care of him. Singles can travel to places with trees, which can help you find a good relationship soon.

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

Folklore is for reference only, don’t be too superstitious.

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