Colleagues skip work to chase snow! Human Resources consciously cold back “1 sentence” Audience is shocked: really cold | New | NOWnews today


Colleagues Skip Work To Chase Snow! HR Reported Cold Back “1 Sentence” And Audience Shocked: It Was Very Cold | New | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2021-01-08 16:38:27

Affected by the cold current, many high mountain areas in Taiwan are covered in white snow today (8).  (Photo by NOWNews Image Center)
▲ Affected by the cold current, many high mountain areas in Taiwan are covered with snow today (8). (Photo by NOWNews Image Center)

Affected by the cold current, many high-mountain areas in Taiwan are covered in white snow today (8), and many people turn to chase snowmen, running into the mountains to enjoy the snow. However, a netizen revealed that his colleague skipped work to chase the snow, prompting an argument.

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Today (8), an Internet user mentioned in the Facebook group “Boom 1 Commune” that at three in the morning, three colleagues saw the news of the snowfall, and they temporarily told him to take a break to enjoy the snow all the day, causing him to carry her. The weight of everyone’s work. Unexpectedly, in the next second, when company staff learned the reasons for the leave request from their colleagues, they coldly replied: “All three people were recorded as absenteeism plus full attendance, and the year-end performances were directly discounted. ” The reason was that they did not send the license after accepting the first cut and then the Special license for people has been exhausted for a long time and the deduction for special license cannot be used.

▲ A netizen revealed that his colleague skipped work to chase the snow and his ending caused quite a stir.  .
▲ A netizen revealed that his colleague skipped work to chase the snow and his ending caused quite a stir. .

Later, the original PO added that after learning that many people were absent from work, the section manager said in a big way: “Someone who goes to work today will leave work at noon and go eat stew or roast beef together. The company pays for the food. It depends on the snow. After the case is completed, everyone will go together. “It means that other people who did not ask permission also took a half day vacation. They can also eat good food for free and see the beautiful snow scene.

When it was noon, the group of people working at the company also worked together to track the progress of the work. After leaving work for dinner, they went up the mountain to see the snow and ended a perfect day. The original PO also said with a smile: “Everyone is waiting for a colleague who is absent from work and ran to see the snow. What is the mood of the ig restraint.”

After the entire process was exposed, it immediately sparked heated discussions, with netizens responding: “The performance appraisal was discounted only at the beginning of the year. So they shouldn’t intend to work for more than 300 days.” performance and the end of the year are also cold “,” This supervisor is not bad. I look forward to the expressions of the three colleagues who requested the license ”. “Some people only care about themselves, not about their work. They can only say that people who work hard will get good returns. (Publisher: Pan Yi)

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