Colder than the last wave? The cold stream “cold and wet” will reach the body temperature of 0 degrees and heavy rains are estimated for 5 days | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Hong Lingming / Taipei Report

The strongest cold current in winter is said to have just come out, and the northeast monsoon returns to report, and then there is a colder current relay wave. This week, the northern region has returned to the defenseless cold and wet weather pattern. If the dry air doesn’t go down, the Meteorological Office said it rained all over Taiwan all week!

▲ There will be another wave of cold reports on Thursday, there is high humidity and the probability of snow is high. (Photo / Obtained from Facebook of Zheng Mingdian, Director of the Meteorological Office)

Meteorological Office forecaster Zhang Chengchuan said low pressure in northeast Taiwan has led to successive rains in the north and northeast; in Huadong, there is little rain and sporadic rains; the central and southern parts are cloudy to sunny, and the temperature in the north is only 20 degrees due to more clouds; The highest temperature in the central and southern regions is 25 to 28 degrees. Tomorrow Tuesday (5) the northeast monsoon will strengthen and it is estimated that it will affect Wednesday (6). The weather in the north and northeast will be cooler. The temperature in the north will be 16 to 19 degrees. The cold stream on Thursday (7) will be more obvious. The north zone will only be 14 degrees early Thursday and it will only be 9 degrees at night; the central and southern parts will feel cool in the second half of the day on Thursday, the central part will only be at 13 degrees and the south part at 14 degrees. . And there will be rain in Taiwan from Tuesday to Thursday, if the dry air doesn’t come down on Friday, I’m afraid it will be humid on the weekends.

▲ Cold air struck again on day 7 and is estimated to reach cold draft level. The estimated body temperature in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City is 0 degrees. (Image / Obtained from the Meteorological Office)

The Met Office saidThe coldest moment of this wave of cold current falls on Friday and Saturday (8-9)., The temperature north of Tainan is 8-10 degrees, and the open coastal areas are below 6 degrees, and other areas are only around 12 degrees. The temperature is 0 degrees in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City, from Thursday night to Friday night.Compared to the cold stream on New Year’s Day, this cold stream wave does not have a lower temperature, but due to the higher amount of water vapor, the body temperature will feel colder.Due to the high water vapor, the high mountains of 1 to 2 thousand meters in northern Taiwan, such as Taiping Mountain and Lala Mountain, have a high probability of snowing; the 3000 meter mountains in the central part have a higher chance of snow.

The director of the Meteorological Office, Zheng Mingdian, also recalled that the air in the polar regions is still flowing and that there will still be cold currents in Taiwan. This time there is a little more humidity and the cold air is denser, the chances of snowfall in the mountains of the north and northeast are greater than in the previous wave.

▲ Cold air hit again on day 7 and is estimated to reach cold draft level. But this wave of cold current is more humid and the possibility of enjoying the snow increases considerably. The picture shows the snow scene of Taiping Mountain. (Image / document photo / provided by tourists)

The “Weather Risk” fan post also published that this Thursday Friday will be affected by wet and cold currents, and the cold weather will last until the weekend. From Thursday, a strong cold air wave will go south. This cooling wave may not be as much as the cold current on New Year’s Day. A huge chill is expected on Thursday. The low temperature can drop 8 to 9 degrees from Thursday night through Friday, and the open area is 6 to 6 degrees. 7 degrees is the coldest time of this wave. It is expected to last until this weekend. The remarkably wet and cold weather in the north will last for a long time. You may feel a little colder than the last cold, dry spell. Pay more attention to keep warm and healthy body. This wave will also be felt quite a bit in the central and southern regions. It is expected to drop from 10 to 11 degrees on Friday. There is also the possibility of radiant cooling in open areas below 10 degrees. It is still necessary to be careful to avoid cold damage.
