Cold wave “Overlord” hits or freezes 80% of China’s land | Time | The Epoch Times


[La Gran Época 30 de diciembre de 2020](Full report from Epoch Times reporter Liang Yi) “Overlord” cold snap hits New Year’s Eve. The temperature in central and eastern China is expected to drop significantly from December 28 to 31. The frozen line will also cross the Yangtze River and reach Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong. It is estimated that more than 80% of China’s land may be “frozen” by the 31st.

According to mainland Chinese media reports, there has been the strongest cold snap since this winter. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued the highest-level orange cold wave warning after a lapse of 4 years, saying the intense cold air will affect most of central and eastern China from west to east and north to south. Strong wind and strong cold weather.

From 28 to 31, the temperature in most of the central and eastern regions is expected to drop by around 10 ℃, and the local temperature will drop by more than 16 ℃. This cold snap has a rapid cooling rate, and some areas have “cliff-style” cooling, which will be more intense than the January 2016 cold snap, comparable to the “overlord” cold snap.

According to a progress map of the frozen line published by China Weather Network, the frozen line will cross the Yangtze River and reach Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong. “Frozen”.

The cold snap “Overlord” hits on New Year’s Eve, and it is estimated that more than 80% of the country may be “frozen” on the 31st. (Weather Network)

The cold snap began to enter the northern region on the 28th, and strong winds and cooling occurred in most of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, and parts of eastern northwest China and northern China. Among them, the lowest temperature in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, fell 9 9 ℃ 14 ℃ in 24 hours. In the early morning of December 29, the lowest temperature reached 35.8 ℃. The lowest temperature in the early morning of the 29th in Tongliao city reached minus 34.7 ° C. The lowest temperature in Genhe city, Hulunbuir is between minus 40 ℃ ~ 44 ℃.

The Baotou Meteorological Office staff played a game of turning water into ice. (Video screenshot)
A reporter from Hohhot City did a little experiment and beat raw eggs in an iron skillet, a minute later, the eggs were completely frozen in the skillet. (screenshot from web page)

Changchun, Jilin Province, has entered the coldest half of the month and the lowest temperature is minus 20 degrees every day.


In Heilongjiang, Heihe City was closed due to an epidemic and people lined up for nucleic acid tests at night in minus 30 to 40 degrees.

The highest temperature in Beijing reached 6 ° C on the 27th, but Beijing suffered a “flash freeze” from the 28th to 30th. The highest temperature will drop below -5 ° C and the lowest temperature will be less than two. digits.

Starting on the 29th, the cold wave will go south in a big way. Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, southern China and elsewhere will experience “roller coaster” cooling, with local cooling rates exceeding 16 ° C.

The latest forecast from the Shanghai Meteorological Department indicated that the temperature will drop dramatically from the 29th. The lowest temperature in the urban area will reach -5 ° C on New Year’s Eve and the lowest temperature in the suburbs will reach the -8 ° C to -6 ° C. The local meteorological department said that the lowest temperature in the urban area of ​​Shanghai in the last 20 years has never fallen below -5 ° C. A “cooling is expected to begin.” cliff type “on the afternoon of the 29th, and severe frosts will occur in the area.

Shanghai netizens are fully armed on the streets. (Screenshot of the microblog)

The Jiangsu Province Meteorological Department has issued three warning signals for snowstorm, cold wave and strong wind. The minimum temperature in 48 hours is expected to drop 12 ℃, and the minimum temperature from 30 to 31 can be as low as -6 ℃ to -8 ℃ with severe frosts. .

In Yancheng, Jiangsu, a large number of chicken fry were frozen to death. The breeders knelt to pray. (Video screenshot synthesis)

All parts of Zhejiang will experience severe cooling, strong winds, rain and snow, and severe freezing weather. The average daily temperature drop in most areas can reach 12 ℃ ~ 14 ℃. It is estimated that from December 31, 2020 until the morning of January 1, 2021, the minimum temperature in most of Zhejiang will be only -4 ℃ ~ -7 ℃, among which the mountainous area will be -8 ℃ ~ -11 ℃, and severe frosts will occur.

On the night of the 28th, rain, snow and icy weather occurred in Jinan, Linyi, Jining and other places in Shandong. The Jining City Education Office and other places issued a notice that on the 29th, all kindergartens and elementary schools in the city will be suspended for one day.

The cold snap will enter Guangdong from the afternoon of 29-30 and then travel along the coast. During the process, the average daily temperature drop will reach 8 ℃ ~ 10 ℃, among which the lowest temperature in Guangzhou urban area will drop to about 4 ℃. The temperature throughout Guangdong on the 27th was generally above 25 ℃. Guangdong still maintained warm weather on the 28th, but from the afternoon of the 29th, the cold snap will arrive first in northern Guangdong.

Low temperatures will cause a substantial increase in electricity and gas consumption in urban and rural areas. Not long ago, many places on the continent encountered power outages and outages.

Editor in charge: Li Qiong #
