China’s poverty alleviation vis-à-vis the United States does not escape poverty, on which side? US media data hurt China | International | Newtalk


China vigorously promoted the nation's success in alleviating poverty and also called

China vigorously promoted the nation’s success in alleviating poverty and also called “America must learn from China,” but was questioned by the US media. Image: Obtained from China Government Network

China, has the whole country come out of poverty? The “Voice of America” ​​did not question, only provided exact data, referring to the standard annual income of the United States poverty line, which is 9 times the annual income of China’s poverty reduction standard. The report also asked a question: “Which one would you choose to get rid of poverty in China and not America?” Slapped the so-called “China poverty alleviation”.

China announced on the 23rd of this month that the country’s 832 impoverished counties had been lifted out of poverty. It also made the United States particularly bitter. He said that nearly 40 million Americans live below the poverty line and that “America should learn from China.” For this purpose, “Voice of America” ​​compares the real conditions of the two countries. According to the 2020 US poverty line standards, the individual income is less than $ 12,760 (approximately 84,000 yuan) and the family of four is less than 26,200. The US dollar (around 172,398 yuan) is considered poor.

However, according to China’s official standards, Liu Yongfu, director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the country’s State Council, said that the average annual personal income of people lifted out of poverty is more than of 9,000 yuan, which is less than 1/9 compared to 84,000 yuan in the United States.

“Voice of America” ​​compares social welfare. The report cited a single mother with two children and a full-time job as an example. In addition to the list of mothers with an annual income of $ 13,853 (about 90,000 yuan), she also enjoys various tax-free benefits, as well as medical allowances and housing allowances. The maximum annual income can reach US $ 47,400 (about 300,000 yuan).

In contrast to China’s poverty alleviation standards, Liu Yongfu said that China has slogans “one income, two carefree, three guarantees”, stating that all villages have village clinics and doctors, and have also established a network social security for basic health insurance and provide housing solutions. Safety concerns, including the safety of drinking water, are difficult to compare.

China did not mention that it was an education issue. “Voice of America” ​​noted that compulsory education in the United States lasts for 13 years from kindergarten through high school graduation. Free lunch on campus allows poor kids to eat and fill up; they can also go to public schools if they want to go to university. Anyone can apply for subsidies and poor families have more subsidies.

Also, the United States has unemployment benefits.

If it were you, which would you choose between poverty alleviation in China and non-poverty in America?

“Voice of America” ​​compares the real conditions of the two countries for this purpose. According to the standards of the 2020 American poverty line, individual income is less than $ 12,760 (approximately 84,000 yuan), and the family of four is less than 26,200. The US dollar (about 172,398 yuan) is that of the poor.
